Chapter 2: The one.

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It was the beginning of the new year, maybe the second or third week of school. In my 8th period of class there was this girl, she was something special. I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed her before. I got flustered just looking at her. That smile of hers could give any guy butterflies. We were in a packed to the max theatre class together so it was almost miraculous that we were put in a group project together. I looked at her in that way, some may have called it love at first sight but was it? It was something I hadn't previously believed in. All I could do was stare at the mysterious girl, she probably thought I was crazy for it. I didn't even know her name. I actually had to look at the group folder to figure it out. When I found the folder, I was able to narrow it down to Jade. The name just stuck with me, I had always liked the name, and now I finally met someone with the name, and it was the girl of my dreams.

When I went home that night, all I could do was think about her. I laid there restlessly and thought about her seemingly indefinitely. And when I finally did find my way to sleep, I dreamt solely of her. I was so fascinated with her. She seemed so perfect to me, I couldn't name a flaw to her if I tried. Her hair, so luscious and beautiful, and her eyes- her eyes. They were utterly spectacular. She had central heterochromia being brown on the outside of her iris, but fading into this wonderful shade of green like no other. I couldn't even find the words to explain it to myself. It was like looking into a book. Her eyes told me story that words could not.

I jarred awake from my wondrous dream to hear the blaring engine of a fire truck. I didn't even let bother me. I went back to sleep hoping I could continue my dream. Luckily, I did. Her eyes, yes, her eyes. They were a tapestry of pigments. Jades and greens woven together with the browns and beiges that told a story. But what was that story? I had no idea. I could only hope I'd figure out. I probably sounded like a creep for even thinking about all of this. How did this obsession with this "Jade" even come to this? I had no idea. It confused me very much, because he just wasn't that type of person. I never found much interest, much less obsession, with the new hottest celebrities like most people did, so why was this girl so intriguing to me? I didn't know, all I did know is that I think I found the one. The one I'd been waiting for, the one I'd been dreaming of. I barely even knew Jade and I could probably already write a book about her. How was this even possible? I had never felt this feeling before, and I was scared of what it was.

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