part 4

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^hi!! instagram friends have suggested another part so here we go!!

• i woke up and looked around to see y/bff/n gone, she texted me to let me know she left early that she didn't feel good. i texted her back to let her know that it's okay, and i started to scroll through my phone for a few minutes and went downstairs to eat. i fixed me some cereal and watched youtube after a hour of youtube and 2 bowls of cereal i finally got up from the table and headed upstairs to lay back on my bed to watch some youtube. my mom comes in and talks to me a bit and then after she leaves i clean my room and throw on make up. i also decided to get a shower and i heard my phone go off a couple of times.
>snapchat from:
Luke Hemmings
>snapchat from:
Luke Hemmings
>imessage: y/bff/n
feeling way better. wanna take me to the store?
• i got out of the shower and got nervous to see that luke has doubled texted me, then i tell y/bff/n i'll be over in like a hour and opened lukes snap. it was his dog and then the other was 3 very handsome looking guys. i sent a picture of the ground and asked him how his day was. i sent the snap and headed to my room to get dressed i picked out some sweats and a shirt and blow dried my hair. i headed y/bff/ns house and she ran to get into my car. after a long drive of music jams we arrive at the store. i unplugged my phone and luke snapped me i opened it and he told me it was good so far :-) (absolutely annoying smiley face). i told him that's good and went inside the store as y/bff/n as looking and i walked to the make up and bought a few things that i'm running low of. she grabbed her some candy and chocolate (🙄🙄) and we headed to the car. when we got inside she started laughing like crazy "what?" i said looking at her. "dude you'll never guess what i bought" she pulls at a box of condoms and i look at her in confusion "condoms? for??" she goes "someone specialllll" she lightly punches my shoulder and on the way to her house she was telling me that she got them for a guy who was supposedly going to her house tonight but she thinks he's gonna chicken out. " y/n, we need to throw a party and invite the best people we know" i obviously said no since my mom would kill me and i'm the biggest party poop ever. i dropped y/bff/n off and wished her luck on her "special person" and headed back to mine i got a snapchat from luke and waited to get home to answer. when i got home my mom was telling me she was going on a business trip to california and i was so happy for her, and then i realized that LUKE is in california, sadly i couldn't go because of school and you can't take people on trips (rip in the chat pls). i got so excited that i told luke about my moms trip. he thought it was so cool, he was telling me he wasn't gonna be home tho due to some "trip" he has to go on months at a time. which is weird but anyway. he sent me a snap and it looked like he was on a bus, with beds? so like a tour bus? i was hella confused but didn't question one bit. mom left tomorrow so i'm able to have a few days off to myself. i still can't get why luke would be on a bus? what's the trip even for? i got up out of bed around 6:35 Pm to eat supper and shower once again. it's been 2 and a half hours and me and luke have been snapping nonstop. he told me he was getting tired so he was going to bed. we shared our goodnights and i fell asleep right after. when i woke up mom was about to leave so i told her goodbye and after she left i ate the whole kitchen down. i facetimed y/bff/n and asked her about last night she shown me and the guy was STILL in her bed(surprise) she told me she would text me when he left so after we got off the phone i fixed up the mess in the kitchen and luke started typing which made my heart legit race...

^hi guys i really hope you like this part!!
it's very short but i really hope you enjoyed! any suggestions on the story? lmk at @ lukevlogger

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