Goblin Pt. I

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You turned from your locker to see Peter and Ned running down the hall. You'd given Peter a ride to school after picking him up from his place like most mornings, stopping to get coffee on the way, but the moment you'd arrived at the Midtown campus, he'd disappeared.

Now you knew why.

"Babe," Peter said, slightly flustered as the two skidded to a halt at your locker, "Hey do you have some super glue?"

You furrowed your eyebrows, "No I didn't bring my utility belt to school unfortunately," you joked, causing Ned to scoff and roll his eyes, Peter simply looking at you without emotion.

"It's important," he said stiffly, his hand coming up to press against the locker next to your head, leaning down so you were pined against the cool metal.

"If it's Legos," you whispered, reaching up on your tip toes as your lips ghosted over his, "Then it's not that important."

"You can't say shit like that!" Ned gasped, pushing Peter aside so he was standing in front of you, an angry look on his face, "We are so close to finishing the Super Star Destroyer and if we don't glue down the base then it'll -"

"Are you all talking about Legos again?" MJ asked, casually walking up as she picked at her cuticles.

"Yes!" Peter and Ned cried desperately.

"Shouldn't you be more concerned with the fact that your girlfriend is going to be on the school's morning news in thirty seconds?" MJ asked Ned, her face completely devoid of emotion until she raised an eyebrow as if challenging Ned to say 'no.'

Ned huffed, "Fine," he grumbled, "But if the Super Star Destroyer -"

"I'm sure it'll live another day, Ned," you patted his arm, "And if you don't find glue, then Peter can just web it together," you shrugged.

"Oh my God," Peter gasped, "You're a fucking genius, babe."

He pulled you into him tightly, kissing your temple harshly before he and Ned took off down the hall again, both attempting to make it look like they weren't jogging.

"What idiots," MJ grumbled before turning to look at you. "We need to talk."

"That sounds exciting," you smirked, "As in we need to skip first period calculus kind of talk?"

"Not quite."

"Damn it."

MJ leaned her back against the locker next to yours as you finished grabbing your things. "I heard Peter and Harry are going to do some lab work for Norman."

"Don't even get me started about that," you grumbled, "I've been trying to talk Peter out of it all weekend but he's not budging."

"Neither is Harry," MJ mumbled. "And I know I'm not his girlfriend, so it's not like I have any say in what he does. But we're good friends, you know?"

"Good friends that kiss a little?" you inquired, wiggling your eyebrows.

"No!" MJ groaned, "Unfortunately not!"

"Unfortunately not what?" Flash asked, strolling up and whipping off his sunglasses in an attempt to probably look cool.

"You look like an idiot," you commented, causing Flash to shoot you a look.

"Did you hear about Peter and Harry's new internship?" MJ asked, hands on her hips.

"What? No!" Flash whined, "Does that mean Harry's got some super secret identity too and gets to work with -"

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