Goblin Pt. III

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It was all over the news.

Doctor Octopus had attacked Norman Osborn's house and no one knew why. You and Spider-Man had protected the kids inside and everyone had made it out safely.

Everyone had made it out safely yet you were still getting yelled at.

"Are you insane?" Sam yelled, his eyes squinting as he glared at all of you sitting in the living area of the Compound.

You and Peter hadn't really known what to do with your friends who had all lingered around, so you'd flown back to the Compound while Peter had piled everyone into your car and driven them back.

"Drinking?!" he yelled, hands on his hips as you all cowered slightly.

Well, you and Peter kind of just sat there, but everyone else seemed to be shitting their pants realizing that an Avenger was yelling at them for underage drinking.

"You kids are our future and you're some of our brightest minds," Sam went on to say. He was starting to pace a bit, and you could see Bucky rolling his eyes and rubbing his hand down his face in annoyance.

"You can't go around making stupid decisions that could get people hurt!" Sam yelled.

"Yeah!" Rhodey nodded, obviously wanting to be a part of this, but not wanting to be the one giving the whole speech. You rolled your eyes.

"In our defense, Sam, none of us knew Doc Ock was going to show up and wreck the place," you sighed, "We were all being safe. I don't see any drunk kids here, do you?"

"This one is struggling," Sam said, pointing to Flash who was still sobering up. He was chugging water at a pretty fast rate, probably hoping the tormenting would go away as soon as he sobered up.

Boy was he wrong.

"This was a mistake," Peter mumbled, leaning back in his chair and resting his hands on the back of your chair and Ned's on his other side.

"Your whole party was a mistake," Sam snapped.

"They're kids, Sam. Jesus Christ, let them have a little fun," Bucky grumbled.

"Oh boy," you sighed, watching as Sam geared up to lay into Bucky.

"All your parents have been called. They'll be here to pick you up soon," Rhodey said, crossing his arms as if trying to be menacing.

"My mom is going to kill me," MJ sighed, "I wasn't even drinking. She's just going to be mad that she had to come and get me."

"We can always carpool," Ned suggested, "If she doesn't want to drive! My dad wouldn't mind."

MJ went to say something when the doors to the living area slid open, a loud yelling being heard from a few meters away.

"Where's my son?!"

"Oh shit."

You all turned to Harry, who was already cowering in his seat, groaning as he leaned forward and put his face in his hands.


Norman was fuming, striding towards his son with such a purpose that even you were a bit scared for a second. Peter's hand reached out and grasped yours tightly, resting it on his lap and you had a feeling he was doing it to stop himself from jumping up and punching Norman right in the face.

Peter's spidey senses were shooting sparks across his skin, fizzling on the surface and itching for him to do something. Norman Osborn was a threat, there was no doubt about that now, and Peter had always thought he was just a scary guy.

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