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When Peter and Ned showed up at your door the morning of graduation, you knew something amazing and memorable was going to happen.

"Hey hottie," Peter smiled, leaning against the doorframe as Ned stood there excitedly, mischievousness sparkling in his eyes.

"My favorite boys," you smiled, stepping aside so they could come in.

Neither of them were dressed for graduation yet, and you weren't either honestly. You were maybe halfway through doing your hair and you hadn't even started your makeup. But you knew that whatever it was these two had planned, you needed to make time for it.

You'd met Ned two weeks before school started going into your freshmen year. You and Peter had been hanging out so often at the Compound and were already inseparable, but the one person you had to share your new favorite human with was Ned Leeds. And because Ned Leeds was the reason that Peter would leave every once in a while, to hang out with his other friend, you hated Ned Leeds.

"Come on, Y/N! It'll be great to get to know someone other than me before going to school next Monday!" Peter had begged.

He looked so small. He was curled up amongst all your blankets, the summer breeze of the evening wafting in through the window and creating a bit of a draft. You were in the middle of creating a new web shooter - one that wasn't so clunky and awkward - but Peter had other plans.

"I don't like him," you shrugged, "He seems annoying."

"What?" Peter laughed, "You haven't even met him! And he's the nicest guy! He's my best friend!"

That hurt.

You knew you couldn't be selfish and that you couldn't keep Peter all to yourself, but you and Peter had bonded so much since the summer began that you'd for sure thought that maybe you were Peter's best friend.

But no.

That position had already been taken by someone by the name of Ned Leeds a long time ago and you knew it wasn't your place to change it.

You were grumpy, annoyed, and ready to leave the second Peter stepped off the subway at the correct station. You had no idea how Peter had convinced you to actually do this - to meet up with his "best friend."

Well, you knew exactly how Peter had convinced you - he'd simply asked and you had said yes because you would do anything Peter Parker asked you to do.

Ned was smiling even before you met him. Peter had gone on and on about you for so long since the summer started and every conversation he and Peter would have was filled with "Y/N is really awesome dude ..." and "Y/N is so smart, today she ..."

If anyone knew Peter and Y/N were going to end up together one day, it first was Ned Leeds.

"It's great to finally meet you!" Ned cheered, going in for a hug.

You stood there, awkwardly accepting the hug as Peter winced, knowing how little you enjoyed any physical contact. Which he found odd considering you let him hang off you whenever he wanted.

"It's nice to meet you as well," you said curtly, "You're Peter's best friend."

Ned snorted, startling you slightly as he sat back down at the picnic table.

"The way I see it, you and Peter are best friends now. I sacrifice my title to you."

He bowed jokingly, but Peter was mortified. He knew you had a very particular sense of humor and he'd literally prepped Ned so many times about how to specifically be with you. He wanted the two of you to get along and be friends so he could hang out with both of you.

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