Doctor Pt. I

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There hadn't been an attack on the Compound in quite a long time, and so to think that someone had infiltrated your home initially made you freeze. The alarms were blaring and it took Peter tugging on your arm multiple times before you were finally able to turn back to him, alert.

"Y/N!" he yelled as long as you could, "You've got to get out of here now!"

He looked as if he was trying to get out of bed but you were quick to push him back. "You're not leaving this bed!"

"But -"

"Harry," you turned to your startled friend, "Stay with him. Make sure he doesn't leave."

"Y/N -"

You flew out of the room, running down the hall and jumping to the side as something whizzed past you. You were hardly able to catch it as your suit started to spread across your body and you were just able to turn and raise your fist, slamming it out of the sky as the piece of hardware seemed to malfunction.

It was about the size of a basketball with eight limbs that were now glitching, the entire machine shutting down. Just from the fact that it looked like an octopus you had a pretty good idea of who was attacking the Compound.

It didn't take you long to realize these little octo-bots were everywhere. They were zooming around shooting lasers causing a nuisance. People were running every which way and you were almost overwhelmed for a moment before you caught sight of Stephen portalling a mass of the bots out of the compound and into what looked like a frozen tundra.

"What's happening?!" you screamed over the blaring of the alarms. "Where is everyone?"

"Here," Stephen tossed you a com and you put it in your ear, the static only happening for a moment before you were able to make out some voices.

"Nat, Bucky and Sam are out," Bruce was saying, "We've kept them up in the medical wing along with Peter. Clint and Harley take the west wing. Stephen, you and Wong the northern quadrants. Y/N and Rhodey light up the eastern wing and Wanda and Vision will take the south."

"Where are they all coming from?" you asked as Rhodey flew up beside you and the two of you made your way to your designated post.

You couldn't help but worry about Peter. He was just sitting there in the medical wing and though you knew he wasn't stupid enough to leave and endanger himself, he was idiotic enough to think he could make a difference.

But you didn't let that bother you as you and Rhodey continued to do your best shooting these little bots out of the sky.

"They just swarmed!" Rhodey yelled, "They weren't even on our radar until they were already coming down on us."

"Well they have to be here for a reason!" you called, "Are they looking for something?"

"Or someone?" Rhodey asked, "Where's Peter?"

"Locked in his room," you said, "He's fine."

Rhodey seemed a bit uneasy. "Is anyone with him?"

"Harry ..."

"Are you sure you don't want to -"

"No. He's going to be fine. We need to protect the Compound and -"

A rumbling tore through the hallway, a large chunk of the wall tumbling down as a large hole was blasted in the side. From the rubble you weren't surprised to see Doc Ock himself stepping through, his octopus arms working fluidly around him as he floated into the vicinity.

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