Doctor Pt. III

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If there was one thing you were not expecting to see in your lab when you and Peter followed Harley downstairs, it was Norman Osborn, sedated, lying on a large lab table with more wires connected to him than Frankenstein's monster.

"Harley!" you cried, "You can't have the Green Goblin down here!"

"Why not?! He's sedated!"

You sputtered, "Because ... Because ... well because it's a Monday! It's a school night!"

Peter smirked, "Good one, babe."

You watched on with wide eyes as Flash seemed to appear out of nowhere. His goggles were askew on top of his head, hair sticking up everywhere, and you could tell he was just as flustered about this whole thing as you were.

"Were you down here the whole time?" Peter asked, checking his phone as he noted that the NYU celebration had been going on for a solid half hour.

Flash shrugged, "I had things to do. Congrats on NYU by the way."

"Thanks," you said, unsure of what else there was to say in a situation like this.

All of this felt very mad-scientist to you, but you trusted Harley enough that you were allowing him to use your lab, and honestly, you were kind of starting to regret it.

Dum-E fluttered next to you, obviously nervous in his own little robot way, and you pushed him back slightly as Peter stepped out of the way.

"Does the team know you have him down here?"

"Bucky and Bruce helped us move him," Harley shrugged, "Bucky said he'd come down and help once all the cake was gone."

"A lot of cake was made," Peter muttered, "We might be here a while."

"What we're doing is essentially vacuuming out the particles that were meshed in with his DNA structure," Flash said, "It's basic biochemical engineering ... if you add a few parts here and there."

"You're ... going to vacuum out ... his blood?" Peter asked, obviously not in his element as Harley typed away on his laptop.

"More like magnetically structure a detox so that all the gunk that is turning the skin green, so to speak, will come to the surface and be extracted."

"Does Harry know you're doing this?" you asked suddenly, "What if something goes wrong?"

"Oh we had to get his permission," Flash nodded, "He should be here soon."

"You invited ..."

You were at a loss for words and couldn't believe all of this had been happening in the same night you'd been attacked at Delmar's and gotten into college.

"What is happening?" you asked, turning to Peter who also seemed to feel very much like he was in some sort of Twilight Zone.

"Did you ever seen the super super old movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers?" Peter asked, "I think we're somehow in it."

A knock sounded on the glass of your lab doors, and you all turned to see Harry standing there in a pair of sweats and a light t-shirt, a beanie on his head as he yawned and strode into the lab.

"I brought bagels," he said, holding up a brown paper bag. "I had to stand in line for ages to get them."

"Y/N and Peter got into NYU," Flash said, "Did you get the onion bagels?"

"Of course I got the onion bagels, I'm not a fucking monster," Harry rolled his eyes, "And congrats, you guys. We can all keep hanging out while I'm at Columbia."

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