Doctor Pt. II

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It started to become a bit warmer and that's when you knew you were going to be okay. At least, that was your hope.

Peter was back in school and smiling more often. The cracks in his psyche and the damage done to his body was gone, but his insecurities still lingered from time to time. It was natural though, considering you were only teenagers and who hasn't been insecure about the littlest of things.

But you had to admit he was still far more mature and emotionally stable than most of the boys you knew your age, so you weren't concerned Peter was going down some stray path that would lead to some bad decisions.

The only downside was the consistent Doc Ock attacks. He was everywhere. Neither Peter nor you had much time to fight him, because he would surface, do some damage, and then disappear like it was nothing.

He'd stolen technology and destroyed some labs, but other than that no one was being injured, so your stress-level wasn't as high. What was bothering you, however, was that Kraven seemed to have disappeared off the map. There had been no sightings of him, nor anything disturbed in society.

Peter would panic about that more than he cared to admit.

Kraven knew his face, knew his friends and family, and knew how to get to him. Though he knew that it wasn't the right thing to do to kill Kraven ... he had to admit that knowing Kraven no longer was a threat to the world would have made his senior year a lot easier.

"I don't understand why we need to be here," you yawned, rocking back to lean against Peter's chest as the two of you stood between Sam and Rhodey.

Chameleon was being moved to a secure off-shore prison. He was finally being transported from the Compound and it was a lot of stress lifted off everyone's chest.

"All I know is Nat wants you here," Sam shrugged, "Probably to feel justified, honestly."

"We caught him and tortured him and I feel justified already," you sighed, "I'm just tired and want to go to bed."

"I have to get back soon or May is going to kill me," Peter admitted, "She's still got me on curfew. It's becoming increasingly annoying."

"She's just concerned," Rhodey shrugged as the agents started to come up with Chameleon, handcuffs with the cuffs that dulled his powers so he couldn't change or shift into anyone and run away.

"If we could get this one on a curfew, we would," Rhodey said, nudging your shoulder as you rolled your eyes.

"You can't contain me," you smirked.

Peter wrapped his arms around your shoulders from behind, the two of you watched as Chameleon was led by a parade of agents, it seemed, into the big black transport van.

"Where's Harley?" Peter asked suddenly, "Dude's been missing for ages. Did he leave?"

"No he's holed himself up in my lab," you sighed, "Making a complete mess of it, honestly. It's getting annoying."

"What's he working on?" Sam asked.

"He thinks he's found some sort of biochemical component to change Norman back into his human form."

"But we were just getting so used to another big green guy sulking around," Rhodey chuckled.

"Well Harry's aunt is starting to get kind of annoyed she's having to stick around for so long and is planning on leaving soon. As much as Harry could easily go and stay with a friend, I think getting his dad back would probably be best," you said, "Which, if I'm being honest, I don't even think is the best choice anyway. Norman is such a dick."

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