2: Blind Justice

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Everyone seemed too confused over the situation. "Wait... Then... What's going on?" Asked Meghan. "Preston, where'd he go?" Stated Colleen. Daniel unfortunately had a bad feeling and seemed to look up somewhere. "Daniel what is it?" Asked Eva. They all soon heard some creepy sounds around them. "What's happening?" Asked Tyler who hugged Manny confused. Manny was freaking out.

confession booth Andrea: "Preston leaves and suddenly everything sounds so creepy".

Confession booth Tony V: " everyone's freaking out but I'm not fazed cause I'm used to this". "I mean, I make horror films for a living, it's like I'm resistant to being scared".

" ąɧ, ʂɛɛɱʂ ɱყ ơῳŋ ƈrɛąɬơr ąƈƈɛ℘ɬɛɖ ɬɧɛ ıŋ۷ıɬąɬıơŋ, ɠơơɖ" added a new voice familiar to Tony V. Everyone looked to see someone dressed in all white with reaper wings but his face is what threw them off. "Joey?!" They exclaimed.

Confession Booth Daniel: "bitch I was lied to!". " Joey's there alive and well! ". " but... He doesn't seem normal".

Confession Booth Colleen: "oh Joey what did the box do to you?"

Confession booth Kat: "What's with Joey?". "Is he throwing some costume party?" "I mean you want to angel it up then go ahead".

Everyone stepped back as this odd new Joey landed in front of them.  He chuckled and sent the group flying back a bit.  "How about you enlighten us on this Tony!" Demanded Tyler.  Tony V sighed and got up.  "Ok guys, meet my created character that somehow Joey has become, Raef...king of limbo and embodiment of fear" he said.  Raef smirked and blasted him.  "ɬɧąŋƙ ℘ąŋɖơrą'ʂ ცơҳ ʄơr ɱąƙıŋɠ ɱɛ ʂɬrơŋɠɛr".  " ąŋɖ ı ῳıƖƖ ʂąყ... ცყ ɬɧɛ ɛŋɖ ơʄ ɬɧıʂ ŋıɠɧɬ... ყơų'ƖƖ ąƖƖ ცɛ ɱıŋɛ! " he laughed evilly and disappeared. 

Everyone glared at Tony V before Colleen and Daniel tackled him in anger.  "You created that thing in the first place?!" Yelled Colleen.  "It was only supposed to be for a fictional show, I didn't know this could happen!" Exclaimed Tony V.  "I had to survive four damn years without knowing Joey was alive only to discover this?!" Exclaimed Daniel.  Andrea and Meghan break up the fight.  "Guys guys back up we can't start fighting in these cases" added Oli.  Preston cleared his throat making everyone look at him.  "Perhaps if you all are done fighting you can read this" he said holding a letter out. 

Kat took it while everyone stood up confused.  "What's it say" asked Manny.  Kat opened it up and looked at it.  "Dear guests my name is Riley, I was once a prisoner to my own evil side the sorceress in the Victorian era and now I have learned from an agent of the SAE named Calliope via a dream that Joey has fallen finally to the evil that's hurt him since the 1920's massacre" started kat.  Oli and Eva froze hearing that. 

Eva confession booth: Mentioning what happened to me and Oli?  Yeah i am regretting saying no. 

Oli confession booth: Eva and I turned down the invites for the Victorian era incident... But then we're updated to what happened.  Maybe we should've been better. 

"So he's been hurting all this time..." Added Manny stunned.  Colleen looked upset.  "What have I done" she said.  Kat cleared her throat signaling there was more.  The duo looked back over.  "Unfortunately Raef has taken hold of the estate in the 60's and has several fallen guests plus a few extras helping him".  "You all will have to fight again but I hear the deaths will not be the same" read Kat.  "Different how?" Asked Andrea.

Tyler confession booth: wait the deaths will be not like the average type?  Um...I don't like the sound of that. 

Everyone looked worried but especially the members who have been through this mess before.  "Somewhere in the estate is a special crystal, and there's some souls hiding in it".  " The moment someone dies in this fight to stop Raef will be possessed by an evil soul and join his service " read Kat.  "What hold on!" Exclaimed Meghan shocked.  "We'll join his ranks when we're dead?!" Exclaimed Tyler.  "Guys hold on!" Exclaimed Kat.  They looked at her.  "I have good news though, there are two rebels fighting in secret to take him down, and they have taken vessels already".

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