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Guys, I'm very happy today! So today there's a double update. Enjoy!! 😊


The first time I looked at you, you took my breath away....
You still do every day....


Jimin's POV

I woke up to the most handsome person ever sleeping next to me. As the memories from last night came to my mind, I couldn't help the blush that spread like fire on my cheeks. A smile tugged at my lips as I gazed at him. He was too perfect to be real. His warm brown doe eyes that never failed to make my heart flutter. That cute nose. His sharp jaw line and those beautiful pink lips that looked so soft. Perfect...

"Enjoying the view?" His deep raspy morning voice interrupted my thoughts and my gaze flicked up to his eyes. My eyes widened in embarrassment as I blushed furiously, hiding my face in the pillows. He placed his hands on my waist and I couldn't stop the gasp that left my mouth. He easily turned me around and hovered above me. I could feel my heart doing flips, waiting to beat out of the confinements of my chest. He leaned in towards me, his breath fanning over my face and looked directly into my eyes. He bit his lips, his gaze flicking to mine. He slowly leaned in and I my breath hitched as our lips slightly brushed.

"HEY JUNGKOOK!! I KNOW JIMIN IS IN THERE WITH YOU! COME DOWN FOR BREAKFAST, BOTH OF YOU!!" We literally jumped when Jin hyung shouted from the other side of the door.

"Way to ruin the moment, hyung!" Jungkook replied, looking annoyed. I got away and placed my feet on the ground, giggling due to the interaction between the two. I was just about to get up when two warm arms wrapped around my waist, stilling my movement and I tensed.

"Now where do you think you're going, huh? I'm not done with you yet." Jungkook whispered huskily near my ear, placing his chin on my shoulder and shifting me onto his lap. My stomach exploded into butterflies and I felt goosebumps on my skin.

"Uh-h, J-jin hyung c-called us for b-breakfast." I internally cursed at myself for stuttering.

"Someone's nervous, hmm?" He teased, tightening his arms. His voice was doing so much to me, as if I had no control over my body.

"W-we should get going." I said, squirming out of his hold and running out of his room as soon as he let me go, completely flustered. I placed a hand on my hammering heart after closing the door of my own room. What did just happen?!

Shaking off my thoughts, I took a deep breath as I went to take a shower. After I was done, I put on some clothes and went downstairs. Reaching down, I found everyone already seated and breakfast was being served. I also took my seat beside Jungkook.

"Good morning cutie. Slept well?" Jin hyung asked with a amile, serving me my breakfast.

"Good morning hyung." I said nodding and returning the smile. "Smells delicious." I complimented while he smiled at my remark. 

"Learn something from him, you fools. Learn to appreciate." Jin hyung lectured with narrowed eyes, sharply glaring at everyone else. I giggled at his behavior. Everyone was so good to me. I was really lucky to meet them.

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