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Hey guys, here's chapter thirteen for ya'll. Enjoy!! 😊

Jungkook's POV

I slowly fluttered open my eyes, but couldn't find Jimin beside me again. I hopped off the bed and went to the door. As soon as I turned the knob and stepped out, an amazing mouth watering smell hit my nose. Someone was cooking...

I slowly walked down the stairs and saw... my baby. He had a pale yellow apron neatly wrapped around his slim waist. Softly humming a song and cooking. He looked... peaceful.

It angered me to see the effect his father had on him. I mentally promised myself that I would not let that bastard have him back at any cost, even if it meant killing him.

Brushing off all the negative thoughts invading my mind, I silently made my way to him. He didn't notice me. Getting closer, I heard his sweet voice singing oh so beautifully. His soft voice was so soothing that I could hear it all the time. I gently snaked my arms around his waist as I nuzzled his neck, tracing my lips along his baby soft skind. He instantly melted into my touch as he sighed in contentment.

"Morning gorgeous, how are you feeling now?" I asked hugging him tighter.

"Better now that I'm in your arms." he said turning off the stove, smiling.

"Then I'm never letting you go. I'll keep hugging you for the rest of our lives." I said as he turned around, placing his hands on my chest. He chuckled softly.

"What did I do to deserve you, to even deserve this family?" he said, his eyes getting glossy as he caressed my face with his soft cute little hands.

"No, don't cry baby. You know I don't like that. Please..." I pleaded wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes. I smiled as I kissed him softly on the lips. He smiled weakly as he laid his head on my chest. I kept petting his soft and silky hair.

"Jungkook...." he whispered.


"You'll never leave me, right?" he asked.

"Never ever." I replied, not hesitating even a bit.

"I love you Jiminie." I said as I pulled him into a soft and sweet kiss. His lips moulded perfectly with mine, as if they were made specially for me. He tasted like strawberries. Sweet and addicting.

"I l-love you too, kookie." he said getting a little shy as he pulled away.

"Oh god, I can't handle it anymore..." I said dramatically clutching a hand over my chest.

"Kookie, what's wrong?" he asked clearly panicked.

"Oh, you did it again!" I said falling to the floor.

"What do you mean Jungkook? Did I do something wrong?" he asked worried as he kneeled down next to me. I nodded.

"You confessed that you love me for the first time and gave me such a cute nickname." I said closing my eyes shut as I acted to be hurt. He broke into laughter.

The Mafia's Baby || Jikook [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now