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Y'all, I'm not gonna give a smut warning. I know you all are gonna read it anyways. 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏So go get your Namjesus and holy water. Enjoy hoes!!😂😂😂

Jimin's POV

Everything had been going great. It has been a few weeks of me working in the café. I'm really happy with my bunny. I just love him so so much.

We were lying on Jungkook's bed in his room. Just after dinner, but he had fallen asleep. So, a very naughty idea came to my mind. I smirked as I went to Jungkook's closet. I picked one of his white shirts and went to the bathroom to change.

His shirt was quite big for me. It went down to my thighs. I went out of the bathroom and climbed onto the bed. He was still sleeping. I climbed on top of him as I positioned myself on his crotch.

I then slowly started moving my ass to create friction.

"Mhmmm~kookie...." I moaned near his ear on purpose, softly biting his earlobe. His eyes flew open processing what was happening. He groaned as he flipped me over.

Author's POV
(This feels so cringe.... 😵)

"What do you think you're doing, baby boy ?" Jungkook asked in a dangerously low voice as he stared straight into Jimin's eyes, which sent  shivers down Jimin's spine.

"I want you to fuck me...daddy~" he whispered seductively, biting on his lower lip. Jungkook immediately smashed their lips together while his hands roamed around Jimin's body, wanting to feel every curve and engrave it in his memory.

"Mhmmm...." Jimin moaned into the kiss as the taller's fingers brushed against his sensitive nipples. Jimin's moans were so sinful that Jungkook could cum with just that.

Jungkook then went down to Jimin's neck, trailing wet kisses. Sucking, licking, nibbling as he went down, painting the canvas of Jimin's milky skin with blossoms of red, blue and purple.

"Ahhh... kookie..." Jimin said as Jungkook sucked at his sweet spot. He then unbuttoned Jimin's shirt, well technically his shirt.

"So naughty baby boy..." Jungkook smirked as he saw Jimin wearing nothing underneath.

"Only for you daddy..." Jimin said pulling Jungkook closer to him for a steamy kiss as Jungkook started stroking Jimin's member. Countless moans left the smaller's plush pink lips as he looked up at Jungkook.

"Mhmm... ah.. ah... I'm close...daddy." Jimin said nearing his first orgasm. Tears brimmed in his beautiful brown orbs, as he neared closer to his release.

"Then cum for daddy, baby boy." Jungkook said increasing the pace. With a high pitched moan, Jimin came all over his chest and Jungkook's hand.

"You taste so good, baby boy." Jungkook said licking clean his hand as he leaned down for another kiss. His tongue tasted every inch of Jimin's wet and hot cavern. Jungkook felt addicted to his baby boy's lips. They finally pulled away to breathe as they looked into eachother's eyes. All they could feel was the love and passion they had for each other.

Jungkook then slowly moved down to Jimin's ass, caressing it in a teasing way. Jimin whined at Jungkook's teasing. He was getting impatient. Jimin gasped as Jungkook brought his finger near Jimin's hole, slowly teasing the rim.

"Baby, this is your first time, so it's going to hurt a little. You just have to relax, okay?" Jungkook said gently, as Jimin slightly nodded in response. Jungkook took out the bottle of lube from one of the drawers and spread a generous amount on his fingers.
He rubbed it a little to get it warm first.

Jimin screamed as Jungkook entered a finger in Jimin's virgin hole. A tear rolled down his face as he clutched onto the bed sheets in pain.

"It will soon turn to pleasure, baby. Just relax. Okay?" Jungkook said as tears kept streaming down Jimin's delicate cheeks. But soon, Jimin turned into a moaning mess.

"More.... daddy. I want more..."
Jimin said, getting lost in the pleasure as Jungkook added more fingers.

"Daddy~ I want you inside me." Jimin said. Jungkook got rid of his clothes in the blink of an eye and positioned himself at Jimin's entrance after putting some lube.

"Daddy, hurry please. I want you." Jimin whined.

"Who told you you can order me to do something, baby boy?" Jungkook said spanking Jimin's ass. Jimin was enjoying all of it, so much. He slowly started entering giving Jimin time to adjust to his size.

"Move... please.." Jimin said after a while. Jungkook started moving gradually increasing his pace. He gripped his waist, slamming into him.

Jungkook leaned down, crashing their lips together as his thrusts started getting harder. The friction was so delicious. Jimin almost screamed when Jungkook hit that bundle of nerves, making him almost dizzy in pleasure.

"Found it." Jungkook smirked as he started moving at an inhumane speed, continuing to abuse the boy's prostate. Jimin had become a moaning mess. His moaning mess.

"Ahhh... I'm cumming d-daddy.... ahh" Jimin said while clutching the bed sheets tightly, as his head rolled back deeper into the pillow. He was on cloud nine.

"Then let's cum together, baby boy."
Jungkook panted, his thrusts becoming sloppier as he chased his climax.
Jimin came all over his torso. He started almost trembling with overstimulation as the dominant continued to thrust into him.

After a few more thrusts, Jungkook also came deep inside Jimin filling him up with his seeds, as he collapsed next to jimin. They were both panting for air as they came down from their highs. Jungkook cleaned up both of them, then laid down beside Jimin.

He pulled Jimin close to his chest as he kissed his lips one more time.

"I love you, Jiminie." he said pressing another kiss on Jimin's forehead.

"I love you too, kookie." Jimin said, as he snuggled closer to Jungkook closing his eyes.

They both fell asleep in eachother's arms feeling more closer than ever.

Forgive me Father Louis Williams Suga Adams the Third, for I've committed a sin. I WANT HOLY WATER!! 😱😱😱


I know this was crap. It's my first time writing smut. But please don't forget to vote, follow, comment and share. Your effort is really appreciated. And always remember....

I purple you 💜
Bye 😊

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