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Guys, really sorry for the late update. Here's chapter twenty-two. Enjoy!! 😊

Jimin's POV

I slowly opened my eyes but had to shut them immediately. It was too bright. Am I dead? Was this heaven? I tried again, adjusting to the sunlight and then realized I was in a hospital. I sighed a breath of relief. So I'm alive after all.

The first thought that came to my mind was Jungkook. Is he okay? Did he get shot? Where is he? In midst of all this rambling that was going on in my mind, I felt a hand on my hand. And I knew too well whom that hand belonged to. Jungkook.

I looked down at him. There he was, sleeping like a cute baby bunny. I tried moving without waking him up but stopped when a wave of pain shot throughout my body and I immediately hissed in pain.

Jungkook's POV

I felt someone move and hiss in pain. My eyes immediately shot open. Jimin was awake. JIMIN WAS AWAKE!!!

"Jiminie?" I said as my eyes became glossy. He was struggling to get up.

"No no, baby. Don't get up. Wait." I said as I adjusted his bed and pillows so that he'd be able to sit comfortably. Then I sat down beside him, my eyes never leaving his beautiful face.

"J-Jungkook..." he croaked out as he hugged me. I controlled myself and hugged him back carefully remembering about his wound. He was sobbing as he clung to me. I kept rubbing calming circles on his back and carding my hands through his hair as my own tears rolled down my face. He must be so terrified. I couldn't help but blame myself.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I'm so sorry." I said not wanting to let go.

"T-thank y-you..." he said softly. Thank you? Now I was getting confused.

"For what, baby?" I asked him as we pulled away.

"For being alright." he answered placing a hand on my left cheek. My mouth hung open. Is this some human or a real angel? He doesn't give a shit about himself that he had a bullet through his chest. He was worried if I was okay or not? How did I even find someone like him? He's unbelievable.

"Jiminie, you should worry about yourself. You were shot." I said giving him a concerned look.

"You're here with me, so I'll be okay." he said smiling softly. More tears filled my eyes as I looked at him. I gently cupped his face and kissed him, pouring in all the warmth, all the love, all the passion, everything.

"I'll go get the doctor." I said as we pulled away. He simply nodded as I helped him lie down before walking out to find the doctor.

After checking everything, the doctor came up to me.

"How's he? Is everything alright doctor?" I asked, worried about him. The doctor smiled before replying, "Everything is good, Mr. Jeon. The wound is also healing. He just needs medication and a lot of rest. I'd like you to let him stay here for a few days, so that we can keep an eye on his progress."

I nodded as he left with the nurse. I went to Jimin again. Only seeing his face was enough to light up my whole day.

"How are you feeling?" I asked taking seat as I fondly smiled at him.

"Feeling better." he said giving me a small smile. I pecked his forehead, then his nose, then his cheeks and at last his lips as he kept giggling cutely like a baby. God, I could hear his giggles all day.

"Wait here, I'll go call the others that you're awake. They're dying to see you. Hmm?" I said as I pressed another kiss to his forehead. He cutely giggled while nodding.

I went out and called Jin hyung. He said they were on their way. I put my phone in my pocket and went back inside. I saw Jimin looking outside.

"Hey." I said as I we and sat down. He shifted his attention to me, a beautiful smile appearing on his face. I couldn't help but smile too.

"What were you thinking about?" I asked as I took his hand in mine, tracing my thumb on his knuckles.

"I was thinking about you." He said looking at me as I pressed a soft kiss to his cute little hands.

"What about me?" I questioned curiously.

"I was thinking... how lucky I am that I met you. I was wondering what would've happened if I hadn't met you at that alley. I was thinking about how much you have done for me. You saved me from my abusive father. You gave me a family. You gave me a place that I could call my home. You... Jungkook, you've always loved me, supported me, helped me, cared for me. You can't imagine how grateful I am that I got the chance to be with you. To love you and cherish you." he said as tears shimmered in his eyes.

"And sometimes I.... I c-can't help but feel that maybe I won't be able to give you everything that you deserve. That maybe I won't be enough." he said, his head hung low.

I was speechless. Simply speechless.

"Don't ever think that you're not enough for me. You're more than I could ever deserve, Jimin. You're perfect." I paused as I lifted his chin and locked eyes with him. "You love me, right?" I asked.

"More than anything. More than myself." he said as I leaned in to kiss him.

"I love you, Jungkookie." he said as we pulled apart. I cupped his face as I continued to kiss him all over his face. "I love you too, my baby."

"Why do you all call me a baby?" he asked cutely tilting his head to the side. Before I could even open my mouth, the door swung open revealing the hyungs. Everyone gave Jimin a careful hug.

"Guys, Jiminie was asking me why do all of us call him a baby?" I said smiling widely.

"Because you're so so cute and adorable and squishy. Baby~" Jin hyung said pinching Jimin's chubby cheeks. He blushed.

"Cutie~" "Chimmy baby~" "Baby~" "Mochi" "Baby mochi" we all started teasing him. He got so embarrassed and shy that he hid his face in the blanket. We all laughed at his cuteness.

You don't know how happy I am that I met you. I love you, my Jiminie, I love you so much.....

Word count : 1090

This chapter is dedicated to those who have been voting and commenting.

@kia 13548

Guys, you make my day 💜💜💜

OMG!! I can't believe this! I've got four followers! 😱😱😱 Thank you so much guys.....

I hope you're enjoying the story. Please vote, follow, comment and share. And always remember....

I purple you 💜
Bye 😊

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