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Guys, sorry for the late update. I was really busy. But here's chapter twenty-three. Hope you'll enjoy! About the video, don't mind the language of the lyrics. I actually wanted the song and the video together. I couldn't find any other vid like this. So please, bare with me. I would really recommend you all to listen to this song cuz it really goes well with this chapter. Now, enjoy!!😊

~Two years later~

Jungkook hummed in satisfaction as Jimin continued to brush his hand through his black locks. Jimin's cute giggles nothing but music to his ears. They both were lying in bed after a long tiring day, but the tiredness long forgotten in eachother's warm and loving embrace.

Suddenly, an idea popped up in Jungkook's mind....

Jungkook's POV

Well, I had been thinking about proposing to Jimin for a long time. I have bought the ring for a while now. I don't think he'll say no, but still I'm always nervous. What if he doesn't accept. GOD NO!!

But right now, I've got an amazing idea.

"Jiminie..." I said looking up from his chest.

"Hmm..." he hummed looking down at me.

"Get ready." I said sitting up on the bed. He looked at me with a confused look. He looked so cute.

"Like... right now?" he asked as he also sat up. I nodded immediately as I grabbed my clothes and got ready.

"Where are we going? Is everything okay?" he asked seemingly worried.

"Baby..." I said as I walked to the bed and cupped his cute baby face, "Don't worry, everything's perfectly fine. I just want to take you somewhere. Okay?" I asked as he nodded in response.

"Now, get ready. I'll be waiting for you outside." I said as I grabbed my car keys and went downstairs.

"Okay, just five minutes." he said running into the bathroom to change. I chuckled lightly at his cuteness. God, he's so adorable. I can't wait for him to say yes.

I turned around as I heard soft foot steps approaching. He gave at me with a questioning look and I realized that I was literally smiling like an idiot. I can't believe how whipped I am for him.

I held open the door for him as I motioned for him to get in. When he was comfortably seated, I closed the door and got behind the wheel.

"Kookie, where are we going?" he asked looking out the window.

"You'll see when we reach there." I said returning my attention to the road.

I drove us to my favourite place cuz I wanted this moment to be special. I used to come here whenever I had to think. This place had always provided me the calmness that I required. I stopped the car a little before and we both stepped out. He was looking around. I went behind him and wrapped a blindfold around his eyes. He immediately tensed.

"J-Jungkook, w-what are you doing?" he asked slightly panicking.

"Shhhh.... calm down. Relax, I just don't want you to see it now. Just walk with me, okay?" I said softly as I placed a small kiss on his fluffy cheek. He smiled and nodded.

The Mafia's Baby || Jikook [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now