Aries: dragon fire, the devils laugh, silver.
Taurus: werewolf bite, goddess essence, rain.
Gemini: snow, an angels lullaby, demons trickery.
Cancer: Cupid's tears, witch veins, clouds.
Leo: wizards magic, divination, rose quartz.
Virgo: flower petals, dark magic, fairy dust.
Libra: the rings around Saturn, Athena's knowledge, diamonds.
Scorpio: dragon bones, vampires bite, music.
Sagittarius: a sailors compass, the stars, and a black hole in the galaxy.
Capricorn: fairy laughter, gold, angel hair.
Aquarius: siren tears, black panthers, pearls.
Pisces: mermaid scales, lucid dreams, and the high priestesses heart.
Zodiac Sign's
فكاهةThis book is just random things about your sign. Such as traits and similar stuff. Irregular updates. *DISCLAIMER* I do not come up with these, I find them online and transfer them here for people to read.