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Eventually it was Saturday and you were very thankful for that. Getting up at your own time was a blessing. After a waking up, you saw a text message from the one and only Oikawa. For the rest of the week, you went to his practices and he would walk you home.

'Hi (Y/N)!! Today our team is going to the beach to hangout and play some beach volleyball with Kurasuno T_T. They annoy me but being the good captain I am, of course I'm going to go! Do you want to come? Their team manager will be there and she's a girl so you guys could hang out!'

Oikawa was using the last part as an excuse but it made you happy because well, you know the Kurasuno manager. You two have been friends for a long time.

'I'll come, sounds like fun. And look at you being a good captain.'

You would have said that last part sarcastically if he were here in person, hopefully he could sense it through the phone, but considering his big ego...probably not.

'Cool! I'll come pick you up.'

And with that, you started to get ready, putting on your (favorite color) swimsuit and a (favorite color) cover up dress over it. After you were done, you walked out to see your parents. "Hey, I'm going to the beach with some friends if that's okay, they are going to play some volleyball." When you mentioned volleyball, both of your parents had a surprised look on their face but that look quickly turned into a smile.

"Yes of course! Have fun (Y/N)." Your mom said, feeling happy that you even mentioned volleyball.

"Go have fun, your mom and I are going shopping today." Your dad said, his mood getting down because when he had to go shopping with your mom, it took forever.

You laughed a little, running your hands through your (hair color) hair. "Thanks, I'll see you guys later tonight. Love you both!" You walked out of the house with a smile on your face, happy to see your parents happy. In that moment, Oikawa pulled up in his car. He rolled down his window and took off his sunglasses, trying his best to look cool.

"Let's go (Y/N)! I can't wait to kick their butts." Oikawa had a smirk on his face, thinking about how he could crush Kurasuno, especially Kageyama.

Walking up to the car, you opened the passengers door and slid into the seat. "Hmm well I mostly came so I could see Kiyoko." It was a joke because you actually did enjoy being around Oikawa but you were also excited to see Kiyoko because you both don't see each other as often as you used too. Going to the same middle school, you both saw each other everyday but after going to different high schools, it became more complicated.

Oikawa gave an offended look, scrunching his face. "And here I thought you were falling for me. Oh well, you will when you see these abs." Oikawa patted them with a smirk as if he was victorious with that statement.

"Well we are going to the beach...I will also see the rest of your team's abs and Kurasuno's so lucky me!" You joked, patting his shoulder as he sulked.


After a car ride of teasing each other, eventually you both arrived to the beach. Walking out on the sand, you saw the rest of Aobajohsai team and Kurasuno. They were already playing and having fun. Iwaizumi saw you and waved and you waved back but your eyes lit up when you saw Kiyoko.

"Kiyoko!" You yelled out, running to her and bringing her into a hug. "I barely get to see you anymore!' You faked cried, not wanting to let go but knowing you would eventually have to.

A small smile formed on the other girls face as she hugged you back. "I've missed you too (Y/N), I didn't know you were coming to this, are you to manager for Aobajohsai's team?" She asked, pulling away.

You shook your head. "Ah no...but maybe after so long I'll consider it. I think I might finally be getting over what happened." You said softly to your friend. Throughout that harsh time, Kiyoko was there for you when you needed someone the most. You don't know how much worse you would have been without her support.

Before either of you could say anything else, you heard an unfamiliar voice. "Look! Another pretty girl!" A bald male said, which was Tanaka who pointed at you. Of course Nishinoya heard this and they both sprinted over to you and Kiyoko.

"And who might you be?" Noya asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ah I'm (Y/N). I go to Aobajohsai, Oikawa over there invited me so I came." You explained. The two glared at Oikawa as they were always jealous because of all the fangirls he has.

After talking to the two boys for a bit, you learned their names and heard about how much the loved Kiyoko and talked about how you are also a 'beauty'. Before the conversation could go any farther, you felt a strong arm wrap around your waist. Seeing Oikawa, you blushed a little.

"Why is Trashykawa always taking all the girls!" Nishinoya complained while Tanaka faked cried. Before Oikawa could even say anything, they left, skipping over to Kiyoko. Oikawa glared at them, hearing the nickname that he was often called by Iwaizumi.

"I'm about to play (Y/N)!! You need to watch me kick Tobi-Chan's, and that shrimps's butt." He smirked, dragging you over.

"You better impress me. If you win I'll let you take me on a date." You joked. He joked about a lot of things like this so you decided to do it back, but after saying that, he had a very determined yet evil smile on his face.

Oikawa took off his shirt, throwing it to the side, finally revealing his abs and almost choked. 'Dang...' you thought to yourself. He winked at your causing you to get flustered, but suddenly you hear a determined yell. Looking over it was Tanaka.

"Count me in!" And he then ripped his shirt off. Same with Nishinoya. You could not help it. You bursted out laughed and then suddenly Hinata took off his shirt, hitting his chest.

"I'm going to win!!" Hinata yelled.

These boys were like animals...


With an intense game of Oikawa and Iwaizumi vs Kageyama and Hinata, Oikawa and his best friend came out victorious. Oikawa had a smug look on his face, while Kageyama tried to keep himself composed but was obviously angry.

On the other hand Hinata... "I will beat you one day great king!" The shrimp said, feeling more determined than ever. You would think someone would be tired after playing a match, but Hinata could play more and more.

"I'd like to see you try." Oikawa smirked, walking away and over to you.

More people started to play while other swam and Nishinoya and Tanaka continued to constantly complement Kiyoko. You smiled a bit, thinking it was funny how those two were always over your friend.

"Hey (Y/N)! Did I impress you?" The cocky male nudged your shoulder, but almost a bit too harshly where you almost fell over. Thankfully you kept your balance and then nudged him back harshly.

"Yeah yeah, now stop harassing me, I almost fell in the sand." (Y/N) scrunched her face up and crossed her arms. (Y/N) went to go walk over to Kiyoko but then Oikawa grabbed your wrist, turning around to face him, he looked like a baby with a fake pout.

"(Y/N)! Don't leave me, I have to remind you of what you said, you said if I won I could take your out on a date." His eyebrows started wiggling after he said those words, casing you to smile.

"Okay, how about we hangout tomorrow? Unless that's too soon because we just saw each other today, I don't mind when-''

"Tomorrow it is! I'll pick you up around noon." The flirty male patted your head, causing you to flinch, sinking your head to your shoulders. "Now...let's swim!"

Sighing, you took off your swimsuit cover but right after doing that, Oikawa grabbed your wrist and pushed you into the water. Coming up soaking wet you gave him the harshest glare. "Oh it's on." Standing straight up, you ran over to him and jumped on his back. He was sturdy, but not sturdy enough as he fell into the water.

"My perfect hair!" Oikawa ran his hand through his wet brown hair while sulking. "(Y/N), this in unforgivable." He crossed his arms and your just laughed.

"Oh my...your hair. It's- wow."

Oikawa x reader The girl from the Park ✔️Where stories live. Discover now