One more

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It was Monday and you told Iwaizumi the news that you finally decided to become the manager.  When school was over, you made your way to the gym and set your things down. None of the team was there yet, but school did just get out and practice starts in about 15 minutes. "I can't believe I'm actually doing this." You whispered to yourself, but yet a smile creeped into your face.

During the few classes you had with Oikawa, you tried to avoid him from further embarrassment. Thankfully you guys never sat next to each other so right when the class would be over, you ran out of the room. "And most of all...I can't believe I kissed his cheek!" It was a whisper yell you aimed at yourself. Cheeks heating up, you crossed your arms and sighed. You would have to face Oikawa at practice today.

"I was a bit surprised when you kissed my cheek too." Speak of the devil. The handsome flirt came into the gym with that typical smirk you just wanted to wipe off his face. Walking closer to you, you cleared your throat and finally looked at him.

"Remember, I said it was a one time thing..." you mumbled, averting your eyes away from his.

Oikawa chuckled deviously and lightly grabbed your chin, lifting it up to look at him. Your faces were so close your blush darkened. "You don't have to lie. I know you-''

"Yah! Trashykawa, what are you doing to our manager?!" Iwaizumi grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged him away from you.

"But Iwa-Chan! We were just having a fun and friendly conversation." Oikawa whined. The rest of the team came in, not surprised to see Iwaizumi putting the captain in his place.

You were very, very thankful for Iwaizumi. You would have to text him later. Clearing your throat to get to teams attention, you smiled when all eyes were on you. "As some of you may know, my name is (Y/N) and I'll be your manager." You introduced yourself. "I'll make sure to take care of you all so if you ever need anything just ask. I'll try to help and give some pointers, today I'm going to analyze and write some stuff down." You smiled a little at them, closing your eyes. The tone of your voice came out a bit quieter than you intended and your voice sounded very soft which made Oikawa's heart melt.

Throughout the practice, you carefully analyzed each player and wrote down some notes. Everyone was very impressive but you could not lie, Oikawa always impressed you the most when you would watch their practices.

Eventually it was over, and you called the team over to you. "I um..." you said quietly. "I have some notes written down if you all would like to look and some for each player. I also have some exercises that will help you guys improve." Why were you so nervous?

The team seemed surprised but then looked happy. By some you were bombarded with questions and stuff that you wrote down about them and their playing and technique. Iwaizumi looked proud while Oikawa had a pout on his face, seeing you surrounded by all the other guys and talking to them.

Finally finished going through the papers and notes you wrote with some of the players, the team seemed even more ecstatic and ready to train, but that would have to wait until tomorrow because it was starting to get late.

You watched the boys leave, some together in groups, and some alone while you continue to analyze and organize your notes. The only one left was Oikawa who was waiting outside the gym to walk you home. Slinging your backpack over your shoulder, you walked to see the captain leaning against the wall.

"Finally we are alone where Iwa-Chan won't bother us." Oikawa said. You stepped away from from him and glared because of his constant teasing.

"Let's go pretty boy, it's getting late." Grabbing his wrist, you walked dragged him along with you. Oikawa chuckled at your actions and then got out of your grasp, but quickly grabbing your hand, interlocking their fingers.

"O-Oikawa!" You exclaimed, trying to pull your hand out of his but his grip was too strong. You huffed and look at the ground. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I have an idea. I'll let go of your hand if you give me another kiss on the cheek!" He said happily and innocently. Seeing him like this was cute but yet made you want to wipe that smile off his face.

"In your dreams..." you mumbled, continuing to walk still holding the setter's hand.

After a bit you stopped and smirked, having an idea. "Okay, Oikawa I give you a kiss on the cheek so let go."

"Yay! I knew you would come around." Oikawa said proudly with a smug look on his face. He let go of your hand and you sighed. Standing in your toes, you leaned up but then stopped. Quickly turning away from him, you made a run for it. 'I'm almost home, you can make it (Y/N)' if you were farther back, you would not have made a run for it because Oikawa without a doubt would be faster than you but you had faith you could make it home before he could catch you.

"(Y/N)! How could you?!" The brunette shouted, now started to chase after you. Hearing him made you burst out laughing at how upset he seemed. "I can hear you laughing!" He yelled which cause your eyes to widened. Oikawa voice was very close, turning around, he quickly reached you and wrapped his arms around your waist, giving your a back hug. "You're so mean (Y/N)." He pouted and rested his chin in the crook of your neck, not letting go of you.

The second he wrapped his arms around you, you felt your whole body heat up, your cheeks aflame. You could see your house in the distance as you had almost made it but Oikawa had caught you.

Oikawa x reader The girl from the Park ✔️Where stories live. Discover now