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a tear fell from sicheng's eyes.

he regretted shouting at him.

he regretted ignoring the elder's hugs and kisses.

he regretted not telling the elder his true feelings.

and now...he's missing him.

he misses his smile.

his laugh.

his touch.

he miss everything about him.

he hugged his pillow tight as more tears fell from his eyes.

someone suddenly knocked on his door.

"winwin...please open the door."


he buried his head on the pillow he was hugging, to prevent the elder hear his sobs.

"you need to eat...it's been a week since you last ate..."

kun said softly.

"i'm not hungry..." sicheng answered, wiping his tears.

"but it has been a week."

"thank you, kun-ge. but i'm really not hungry."

his tummy suddenly grumbled. but since the door was closed, kun didn't hear it.

"there's food on the table. you can go out anytime you want, just don't starve yourself please."

the younger didn't answer. which made kun worried.

"sicheng? are you still there?"

"just please leave me alone."

"we'll be going now. remember to eat, okay?"

"yes, ge ge..."

he heard kun's footsteps slowly fade away.

. . .

he started sobbing again.

'yuta-hyung...i want you back...'

. . .

'maybe i should go out for a walk to cool my mind.'


t was 5 in the afternoon and sicheng is walking around the park that was near his apartment.

he sat on a bench and let the wind brush his hair.

tears started to fall down his cheeks again as he remembered yuta laying his head on his shoulders, at the exact same place he's at right now.

but he pushed him away.

he didn't like it,

he loves it.

he suddenly felt someone sit beside him.

his eyes widened when he saw that person.


he didn't think twice and immediately hugged that person.

but then it disappeared.

he fell down to the bench and more tears fell from his eyes.

he hit the bench twice and his hands suddenly became numb.

he swore he saw yuta smiling beside him.

he saw him.

or maybe he's just really missing him that his imaginations are becoming too real. too real that you thought that it isn't an imagination anymore.

he stood up from his seat and suddenly felt dizzy.

'i really need to rest.' he thought as he was walking back to his apartment.

and the next thing he knew, he fainted on the ground.

sicheng opened his eyes slowly.

he stretched his arms and sat straight up from the bed.

'wait...this isn't my room.'

he looked around, and saw someone sleeping peacefully beside him. hugging his thighs, well, because he sat up.

time slowed down for him.

he held the elder's hands and laid himself back down. slowly, so he wouldn't wake the elder up.

there, he started to get emotional again.

he brushed the japanese's hair softly and took his time to admire the elder's beauty.

"i'm sorry for pushing you away back then."

he sighed.

"i'm just...not good at showing my expressions."

. . .

"i know that was really rude of me to just push you away and not appreciate the little things you've done to me."

. . .

"but i guess, that's how i show my love for you."

. . .

"you might be thinking that i didn't love your hugs, soft kisses, and touch. but..."

he then ruffled his own hair.

"gosh, i'm cringey."

the japanese held his smile back.

"i love you hyung...i love you more than anything in this world, and i'm really sorry for everything i've done to you."

he went closer to the japanese's face and was about to kiss his forehead when the japanese suddenly moved and opened his eyes too.

the chinese laid back down quickly and covered his face with the blanket.

'god, that was embarrassing...wait-- he was awake the whole time!?'

. . .

'does that mean...he heard everything!?'

sicheng closed his eyes, hoping that what happened was just a dream.

but nope, the elder cuddled him and pulled him closer.

"sicheng-ah...you don't have to be embarrassed."

yuta whispered. which made the younger's heart beat faster.

"i know you wanted to kiss me."

the younger's face heated up and removed the covers from him. just to see an angel, smiling infront of him.

the japanese went closer to sicheng which gave him goosebumps.


he tried to push the elder, but his body didn't cooperate.

"y-you're too--"

the japanese pecked his nose.

"i love you too, winwin."

< end 3
💚 peace ✌

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