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he trusted him.

but why didn't he tell him?

¡ 》° * - > promises < - * ° 《 !

• a dotae fanfiction •

"hey, promise me one thing..." a little boy said, holding his friend's hands.

"yeah? what is it?" his friend answered back.

"you'll never, ever, leave me..." he said. emphasizing the word 'ever'.

"sure. i'm your best friend after all. i'll never leave you." the other said, ruffling the older's hair.

"you promise?" he put out his little pinky.

"promise." his friend said, intertwining his pinky with the other.


a car crash.

a car crash in which involved him.

"quickly! call an ambulance!"


"you told me you wouldn't leave."


"but i didn't. i'm still here, aren't i?" he said, ruffling his friend's hair.

"kim dongyoung! i'm not joking! look at your...self." he said, pointing at doyoung's casted legs, arms, and head.

"i'm still breathing, silly." he held the elder's hands, as he caressed it softly. "i'm not gonna leave you."

"i thought you were going to die." he sobbed.

"yah! don't cry! you're looking like a...a pig!" the younger said, hitting his friend's hands lightly.

the elder wiped his tears away and looked at doyoung straight in the eyes.

"hey, promise me you'll be alright."

"of course. i'm kim dongyoung, why wouldn't i be alright?" he giggled. which made the elder's heart soft.

"alright! you promised! make sure that's true!"


"taeyong-ie hyung! give me some popcorn!" he yelled, even if his friend is just right beside him.

"ow! i'm literally right beside you! you didn't have to yell!" he said, rubbing his left ear, before getting some popcorn.

they were getting ready for their movie marathon.

"quick! the movie's starting!" he exclaimed with his gummy smile.

taeyong rolled his eyes. as much as he wanted to pinch the younger's cheeks for being too cute. he tried to deny it. not knowing why.

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