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so...sorry for the long wait :(

i've been having the almighty 'writer's block' recently so i can't really update that much... :(

it's just that...i feel like i'm judging their gender everytime i try to write a story so i can't start a new one :( saddening, but i'll get over it soon. </3

oh, and about the coronavirus or covid-19, i hope everyone stay safe and not go out of their houses that much. (what is my english doing?) and please wear a mask if you're ever going out <3.

introvert squad, let us rise.

i know it's not the time for jokes, but i just can't help myself. sorry :'( ✌

i'll try and create another story, A.S.A.P. (did you hear it? *insert lenny face*).

that's all i needed to say <3

stay safe everyone <3

(also, i want to gomawo everyone for reading this book :') nct the love <3 love you all 💚✌)


you can make a request if you want...just...no smuts please. no 18+, it is not allowed.


put in the genre, ship, and plot(if you want)

that's it.

bye goodbye nyeongan! :)

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