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doyoung placed his head on his palms as he look at the two looking so lovey dovey with each other.

"how can he make my taeyong laugh, while i can only anger him anytime?"

he's not even yours, dumbass.

a crazy idea then crossed his mind.

"what if i do something...that can make him jealous the way i get jealous when i see them?"

that surely is crazy, big bunny.

"hey, i'm bringing a friend over." doyoung said as he sat on the couch.

taeyong raised a brow. "and?"

"nothing. i just wanted to let you know, oh, and please don't disturb us." the younger shrugged. which made taeyong furrow his brows. "why?"

"just don't."

"i'm your boyfriend!" taeyong exclaimed without thinking about what he just said.

"i have the rights to--"

"disrespect my social life?" doyoung sighed. "oh, and i'm not your boyfriend."

taeyong suddenly blushed as he thought of what he said. but then remembered about the friend doyoung was talking about.

he clenched his fist. he's just a friend. why is he angry about it?

"fine." he sighed in defeat.

the elder sat on one of the seats of the kitchen counter and took an apple to eat. a doorbell was then heard.

"that must be him!" doyoung smiled.

seeing doyoung happy with someone coming over to his house made the elder rage for a while. but who is he to get angry? it's just a friend. nothing else.

doyoung rushed to the door as he looked at that person brightly.

"taeil-hyung!" doyoung hugged the short male, and taeyong saw that. but he calmed himself down, he's just a friend of his...nothing to worry about.

"glad you can make it." he giggled as he place his arms on top of taeil's shoulders. they then sat on the couch, in front of the tv.

taeil sighed and soon put on a smiling face.

"yeah. thanks for inviting me. i was bored as heck at home."

"of course. i'm kim doyoung! i'll make your life brighter." he flashed his gummy smile, which made the short male beside him giggle.

"you look cute."

now that made taeyong's blood boil.

taeil took a glance on taeyong and gulped when he saw him giving him a death glare.

"s-so...uhm..." he looked back at doyoung. "yeah? what is it, moon?"

moon? what's up with the endearment? taeyong has his eyes furrowed.

"d-doyoung-ssi, what are we gonna do today?" taeil asked.

"how about...we watch a movie?"


doyoung stood up and took a usb from the tv stand's drawer. he then inserted it on the tv. but he had trouble doing it.

someone suddenly held his hands, and helped him insert the usb.

he looked up to see the one and only, taeyong.

"yah! what are you doing here?" he hit taeyong's arms.

"hey, i helped you put it." taeyong scoffed which made doyoung roll his eyes.

"i told you not to interfere us, right?"

"geez, i helped you and that's how you thank me?"

doyoung didn't want to fight anymore so he just shut his mouth. but he made sure to stick his tounge out at taeyong.

taeil was there, smiling at the scene. 'is this the movie doyoung was talking about?' he giggled at his thought, but then quickly shrugged it away when he saw doyoung coming back to sit beside him.

he sat back down and clicked a file full of movies.

"so, uh, what do you want to watch?" doyoung asked awkwardly. he suddenly remembered about taeyong touching his hands earlier. wait...why is he thinking about that? he quickly shrugged away the thought and waited for taeil's answer.

"what about...tom and jerry?" he probably said that because of the scene he saw earlier.

"eh? that's not a movie."

"you asked me what i wanted to watch."

doyoung mentally face palmed himself. "alright. tom and jerry it is." he said, as he clicked the file with a lot of tom and jerry episodes in it.

they were in the middle of watching a few episodes when doyoung suddenly laid his head on top of taeil's shoulder.

the person watching them from afar clenched his fist. he's just a friend...yes...he's just a friend. he kept reminding himself.

"this show kind of reminds me about me and you." doyoung said as his eyes were starting to close. just a friend... "really?" taeil smiled.


"well, i picked this show because it reminded me of you and taeyong."

"hmm..." doyoung hummed.

"you two are always fighting." taeil smiled, as he remembered the two fighting earlier just because taeyong helped doyoung with the usb. sounds pointless right? but that's them.

"no, we're not." doyoung frowned.

"right...then what do you call that?"

"love." he said, completely forgetting that taeyong was there, listening to them. "i just can't express it correctly and always end up fighting with him."

taeil was trying hard not to squeal, to not ruin the mood.

just then he heard the younger yawn.

"i'm sleepy." those were the last words he said before travelling to dreamland.

"hey...taeyong-ah." taeil called taeyong in a whisper tone, enough for taeyong to hear.

"o-oh, right." he said, getting up from his seat. he helped taeil get up and carried doyoung bridal style.

"you better take good care of our bunny when he's yours." taeil winked.

"he was already mine even before we met each other. i just haven't seen him yet." taeyong smiled as he looked at the bunny he was carrying. "so, he's my bunny." he said emphasizing the word 'my'.

taeil rolled his eyes.

"oh, and by the way, he invited me over just to see if you'll get jealous." the elder patted taeyong's head. "but what he did earlier wasn't in the plan."

him? making me jealous? that'

"alright. i'm going now." the elder giggled as he closed the tv and went out.

"take care on your way home." taeyong said as he watched the door being locked.

he looked at doyoung before taking him up the stairs to their room.

he placed the younger down on their bed. he took off the younger's shoes and placed the blanket on top of him.

he then laid down beside the younger and placed a soft kiss on doyoung's forehead.

> end <

- > so...i didn't know how to end this, peace! ✌🙂

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