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story description :
> wherein jaemin would always bring out the best of him.

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jeno was exhausted from all the exercising he did, and when he got home. the lights weren't working, and he just wants to rest.

' how sad. he was expecting for a hug from his bunny. '

he just closed the lights and went to the refrigerator to drink some cold water. the refrigerator wasn't working, so he thought that maybe his roommate and lover, jaemin, closed the panel box or something.

because it would be impossible for the power to be gone magically since they paid for their room just fine and the power from the other rooms outside were perfectly fine.

he then went to the panel box, sitting behind the door to their living room. he looked at it and he's right. it was closed.

' why would he close it though? '

he turned it on and, boom. the power were working.

"pssst! jeno hyung!" he heard a whisper. it sounded like it was coming from behind the sofa, so he went there to check.

"what?" he rubbed his eyes to make sure that no one was really there. "maybe i'm just tired." he closed his mouth as he yawned.

he went inside the bathroom to take a quick shower, but he heard a whisper again as he shut the door.

"hyung! why are you ignoring me?" the whisper sounded familiar to jeno's ear.

"chenle? are you there?" he asked as he opened the door, and was surprised to see no one. "my brain's messing with me." he looked around. he felt his feet step on something so he looked down.

he picked the paper up, and saw a message written on it.

'' we got a surprise for you! go to donghyuck's and renjun's apartment and see~ we'll be waiting for you, hyung! ''

'a surprise? for what?' he folded the paper neatly and placed it on his nightstand. 'i'll take a shower first.'


he just finished showering, and changing his clothes as well.

maybe he should check on jaemin, and maybe let him tag along as they go to renhyuck's apartment.

he knocked on jaemin's room before entering.

"jaemin?" he asked, but no one answered. he walked around the younger's room and saw a note sitting on jaemin's bed.

'' find me if you can~ love you ❣︎
hint : surprise ! ''

a chuckle came out of jeno's mouth. this was obviously jaemin's handwriting. 'he's probably with the others.'

it gave him more motivation to go to the surprise his friends told him.


"hyuck? renjun hyung?" jeno knocked on the door after he rung the doorbell.

he waited for a good few seconds before the door finally opens.

but strangely, no one was there when the door opened. it opened by...force?

"i'm coming in." jeno said. making sure that the two were aware.

the lights were off, and the whole room was dark.

'what the heck?' jeno went to the wall to search for the light switch.

and as soon as he opened the lights, he was surprised by the confetti that jisung threw and the cake that was held by donghyuck.

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