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> ANGST warning! <

"why are you avoiding me, hyung? do you not like me?"

taeil has been avoiding him ever since he came back.

he came back already, but why isn't he happy?

why won't he celebrate the younger's comeback?

is he mad because he left for so long?

"doyoung-ah! give me back my cap!" taeyong yelled as he tried to get back his cap.

or is it because of someone, who he came back with?

taeil watched them from afar. not really in the mood to deal with them.

"hyung, you've been staring at them for quite a while now." donghyuck put his arms around the elder's waist and laid his head on taeil's shoulder.

"i have? eh, i was just daydreaming." taeil shrugged. "why would i look at them? they are gross. flirting inside a convenience store? yeah--"

"sunshine! what are you doing with him!?" someone entered the (rented) coffee shop, stomping his feet towards the two.

but donghyuck ignored him.

"hey, haechan-ah, why are you ignoring him?" taeil asked, removing the younger's arms from his waist. but donghyuck resisted.

"hyung~ i want to stay with you it alright?" donghyuck pouted. he gave a signal to the older by pinching his waist, and taeil got it.

"u-uh...yeah, sure." taeil giggled awkwardly.

mark watched them from behind and grew frustrated.

"hey, tyong. i'm gonna go now, see you later yeah?" the younger patted the taeyong's back and quickly went out of the store.

'jealous, i see...' taeyong chuckled as he watched the jealous male walk towards the café.

"let's cuddle together tonight! i missed sleeping with my hyung." doyoung snuggled closer on taeil's neck, making taeil flinch but decided to cope with it.

"that's it! sunshine, we need to talk--" he was cut off by someone aggresively entering the café.

"donghyuck-ah! who told you that you have the rights to flirt with my moon!?" doyoung yelled.

but donghyuck didn't bother and instead, he kissed the older's cheeks and sat beside him.

"hyung, you're so cute." donghyuck chuckled.

taeil froze.

and mark stood there, regretting what he did at the younger these past few days. but it was just a dare! if not, he will have to do something worse.

but doyoung, on the other hand, did not just stand there and watch the two.

he did not hesitate to punch the younger in the face.

thankfully, mark was there to defend donghyuck. if not, donghyuck would be laying in the hospital bed for days.

"doyoung-hyung! calm down!" mark held both of doyoung's arms before he could do anything more.

but doyoung was too strong. he got out of mark's grip, causing the younger to fall on the ground, and pulled donghyuck's shirt tight.

"doyoung-ssi! calm down!" taeil tried to calm doyoung down, but it was of no use.

no one can calm him at this moment.

not even his beloved one.

"how dare you flirt with him, huh!? your boyfriend is here! he's right f*cking here!" doyoung yelled, choking donghyuck up. he doesn't even care right now.

"kim dongyoung! stop what you're doing this instant!" taeil stood up from his seat and slammed the table real hard. causing the table to almost break and doyoung removing his grip from donghyuck's shirt.

donghyuck coughed and mark rushed towards the younger and helped him breath. donghyuck is crying and mark's heart is breaking slowly.

the door opened again.

"mark! haechan!" taeyong quickly went to help the two younger one's to get up.

and tears started falling from doyoung's eyes.

the atmosphere became silent.

"i-i'm sorry..." doyoung muttered.

but all he got was a slap from his moon.

"i hate you, kim doyoung. don't even think on calling me your moon ever again." taeil said before walking out the room.

more tears fell from doyoung's eyes.

'i'm a monster.'

"i know you're jealous and all, but you crossed the line. doyoung." taeyong spoke as he comforted donghyuck and mark.

"i don't think i can even forgive you at all, hyung." mark said, tears almost falling from his eyes. but he needs to stay strong for his sunshine.

the three left doyoung inside.

and doyoung broke down.

"what have i done?"

> end <

or is it...?

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