A certain decision of mine

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3rd person Pov:

On the streets of Musutafu, Japan, a pale skinned white-haired boy was walking. His name was (Y/n) M. Jotaro.

He had no location in particular that he was heading to, he just was walking to help him think.

He has recently been through quite a lot.

(Y/n) Pov:

All people aren't created equal... That's what some people say, but in reality, we are all born equal... Weak, helpless, stupid and more. It's after we're born is where we start to change and no longer become equal. Some gain quirks, a few don't.

I'm one with a quirk...


How the hell did I get here? I used to be a true first-class villain, so what if no hero knew me? The shit stains calling themselves gang members knew to fear me.

Now I'm here... Tch, it all started with that wannabe hero and that punch to my face... Fuck that punk!

After that, this little girl comes out of nowhere wearing nothing but an old torn up piece of fabric and starts following me like a lost puppy.

After getting stuck taking care of her, I then find out she's part of some cloning-whatever the fuck mad scientists wanted to do. I got roped in, I was having none of it at first, It wasn't my problem, so why should I had cared.

Besides, a hero was on the case. But then that damn brat...


Last order:(sniff) Please

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Last order:(sniff) Please... I need a hero. Begs misaka misaka...

(Flashback end)

(Y/n): Tch!

I saved her. I played the hero. Now I'm living with her, the hero who was trying to help and one of the scientists that felt guilty for what they were doing.

Not my ideal living arrangement, but I didn't have a choice.

Now? Now I have no idea what to do with my life.

I could train my quirk but with the little resources I have, it'll be hard for me to train my vector manipulation.


(Y/n): This is bullshit.

(3rd person pov:)

(Y/n) is currently walking through an area where there are no people in sight.

He begins to walk under a bridge. As he walks under the bridge, a manhole cover begins to shake violently, until I monster bursts out.

 As he walks under the bridge, a manhole cover begins to shake violently, until I monster bursts out

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