A real villain?

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(Y/n) POV:

Endeavor and I were patrolling the city. It wasn't the most interesting thing. It's only upsides where I got to knock any criminals out cold.

As it was getting dark, I thought about what I should have for dinner, but that thought was interrupted by multiple Nomus attacking the city


(Y/n): Huh? Oh great, more waste of flesh.

Endeavor: A challenge, eh?

He then walks off to go fight the Nomus.

(Y/n): Yeah, you go fight them, I'll go get some chips and watch the "experts" deal with this. It's not like I single-handedly beat one or something...

I now had my mission as chaos went on through the city, find a bag of chips and eat it.

(Y/n):(mind) This hero stuff isn't so bad. I might of miss judge this job.

Iida:(in the distance) Hero killer!


(Y/n): Hero... Killer? I'm interested.

I walk towards the sound of people talking. Doing this led me to an ally way, where I saw Iida facing off against some kind of human version of one the teenage mutant ninja turtles.

 Doing this led me to an ally way, where I saw Iida facing off against some kind of human version of one the teenage mutant ninja turtles

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This guy then knocked Iida to the ground and stabbed him in the arm.

Hero killer: Your brother was Ingenium? I let him live so news of me would spread. You and your brother are weak because you two are nothing but fakers.

Iida: Shut up villain!

Iida: My brother is paralyzed from the waist down. He can no longer be a hero!

Iida: He was a wonderful hero in many aspects... There was no reason for you to target him...

Iida: He is my hero. He was an excellent hero who gave me a dream!

Iida: I'll make you pay! I'll kill you!

Hero killer: Save that guy first.

He then points to a hero which I didn't notice at all.

Hero killer: Reflect on yourself and save others. Don't use your power for yourself.

Hero killer: Being taken in by the hatred before you and trying to fulfill your own desires...

Hero killer: That is the furthest from what a hero should be.

(Y/n):(mind) This hero killer guy is interesting. He seems to follow his own ideals.

Hero killer: That's why I'll kill you.

He then licks his bloody blade, which I guess does something. He prepares to kill Iida.

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