Chapter 8

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While I was hiding behind a rock, I watched as my friends and brother were taking on the giant wolfhunter. They tried everything they could but nothing was working. They were slammed to the ground many times which caused them to de-morph. I looked at everything in horror. I had to do something or else things were about to go really wrong. I had no choice but to transform into a superwolfblood. And that is what I did. 

I stood up from behind the rock and used my special signature to morph into a superwolfblood. A silver light appeared and a few seconds later I was transformed into my black with silver superwolfblood outfit. "Alright big guy it is time to show you some wolfblood powers" I said and I quickly ran to the battle field. 

Emily and Antonio tried once again to attack the monster but they were thrown hard on to the ground. They de-morph and watched in fear when they saw the giant monster coming towards them. They braised them selfs for the attack but right before the wolfhunter was about to hit them, something attack the creature which caused it to fly meters away. 

Emily and Antonio looked up in surprise. "Wow where did that come from?" Emily asked confused. "Look, over there!" Mike yelled while pointing into a direction. All the other rangers looked the same way and were surprised to see a black hooded figure coming their way. 

As you might guess, I'm that hooded figure. Plus I'm the one firing that attack. I ignored the looks of the rangers and walked straight over to the wolfhunter. "So you think you are tough, don't you. Well I'm gonna defeat you just as those other pathetic guys." the wolfhunter said while standing up. "We will see about that" I said and the fight between me and the wolfhunter started. 

The rangers stood together while watching the fight. "Who is that?" Antonio asked. "And why did she save us?" Emily added. Mike looked a bit closer and than his eyes turned wide in surprise. "Guys, that is a superwolfblood!" he said shocked. "No way?!" Kevin said also shocked. The rangers all looked how the superwolfblood, aka me, fought with the wolfhunter. "Wow she is pretty good" Mia said as I used my earth powers to attack the wolfhunter. "Yeah" Emily said. "But why would she help us, it doesn't make any sence" Kevin asked confused. "Guys, I don't think she is just a superwolfblood" Antonio then said. "What do you mean?" Jayden asked. "Look at the color of the stripes on her outfit" Antonio said. "They are silver, what's so special about that?" Mike asked confused. "The last time I checked, the leader of the superwolfbloods is the one with the silver stripes" Antonio said. 

"Wait a minute, silver stripes?" Kevin said. "Yes" Antonio said. "So than that is the superwolfblood who almost killed Jayden?!" Kevin said with an angry voice. "Oh my god!" Emily and Mia said and Mike and Antonio looked both with an angry face towards the superwolfblood, aka still me, who was still fighting with the wolfhunter. Jayden his expression was a mix of shock and anger.

But before they could do anything, Mia noticed that I was missing. "Uh guys, where is Johanna?!" she asked worried. The others looked around and also noticed that I was missing. "Johanna!" "JOHANNA!" Jayden screamed in fear. I looked up from the fight after I heard my brother calling for me. "Oh no" I said to myself. They had realized that I was no longer in my hiding place. The wolfhunter saw that I was distracted and decided to make use of that. He blew me far in to the sky with a powerful attack. I was surprised by the attack and screamed in pain while flying through the air.    

I landed hard into the ground. I moaned in pain as I saw him coming closer to me. But right before he could hit me, someone pulled me out of the way while someone else attack the wolfhunter. I looked up to see two beautiful blue eyes looking straight into mine, worried. I then saw the black with blue mask and realized it was Luca who pulled me away. "Jo, are you okay?!" He asked worried. "Luca!" I said relieved, "yeah I'm okay thanks to you guys" I answered while looking at the others fighting the wolfhunter. 

Meanwhile the rangers were looking for me and started to get really worried when they couldn't find me. "Something must have happened to her, I just know it" Jayden said scared. "Don't worry Jayden, we will find her" Emily said while putting a hand on his shoulder. "You know, I think that superwolfblood did something to her." Kevin said. "You're right, she must have done something" Antonio said. "Let's ask her, shall we" Mike said. "Uh guys, it looks like she is no longer alone" Emily said pointing towards the fight. The rangers saw how the other superwolfbloods had arrived and were fighting together with, well me. "She must have done something to Johanna and than called her little buddies for back up." Kevin said angry. "Let's find out" Jayden said with very angry voice. 

The superwolfbloods and I just defeated the wolfhunter when we saw the rangers coming our way. "Oh shit" I said to myself as I realized why they were coming. They must think that the silver superwolfblood did something to me and that she called back up. "This isn't good" I said to myself again. Turned out my feeling was right. The rangers did indeed think that we did something to Johanna, or better said me. The other superwolfbloods had no idea what the rangers were talking about but the rangers were sure that they did something to me. I didn't say anything and started to panic. But because I didn't say anything, a fight started between the rangers and the other superwolfbloods. 

"What did  you do to her?!" Jayden shouted while he kicked Max to the ground. "How are you not dead?!" Max yelled back. Shit, I totally forgot about that little fact. Max turned to me and asked: "I thought you killed him?" "uum I.. I" I stuttered. I didn't know what to say. "You couldn't do it, could you?" Max said. "You tricked us thinking you killed him but you didn't" "Well if you can't do it, I will" he then said. My eyes turned wide in fear. No, no this can't be happening. But it did. Max attacked Jayden ones more and this time a hell of a lot more powerful. Jayden fell to the ground, moaning in pain. The other rangers wanted to help him but were stopped by the other superwolfbloods. Max activated his powersword and smiled evil at Jayden. "Say goodbye red Samurai ranger" he said with a evil voice. His sword then lighted up with fire and he made the strike."JAYDEN!" the rangers yelled in fear when they saw their friend about to be killed. Max laughed evil and brought down his firesword. "NOOO!" I screamed in horror. 

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