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" about we don't bring Johnny and Pony then." i stop and say, crossing my arms. He gives me a funny look and licks his lips.

"whaddya mean? we supposed to tell em to just go home now?" he asks.

"no...but we could give em some money to go get some lunch at the diner or somethin." i reply.

he continues to stare at me a bit longer, then walks toward johnny and pony who were still making their way over here.

i watch as dallas headlocks Johnny, then proceed to hand them a few bucks.

they give him a confused look, and he finally tells them to go grab some food and that him and i will be back later. they nod and wave goodbye to me.

dallas walks back toward me, cocking his eyebrow. "how about...we go to the corner store. grab some stuff." he says.

i shrug my shoulders, knowing that even if i said no he wouldn't listen. we make our way over while talking about what the plan is.

"you go to the cash register and distract him, however you'd like. i'll grab some packs of cigarettes and shit and when i leave you follow, got it?" he asks firmly grabbing my shoulders and looking me dead in the eyes.

i stare back, being mesmerized by his dark brown eyes. they're so beautiful, though they hold such mystery and hurt. i could look at them forever.

he shakes me out of the trance "got it?" he asks again, more stern.

"y..yeah. got it." i reply back.

we head inside, we both split up and walk around the store for a bit. i decide that this is the moment i'll go up and "distract" the cashier. i nod at dallas across the isle.

i make my way over to the cashier, a younger boy; not too much older than myself. he looks up at me.

i clear my throat. i've never done this before. sure, dallas and i have caused trouble together but he's never made me rob a place with him. "do you guys by chance have any uh.." i say looking around not sure what to ask for "..paper?"

the kid looks at me funny. i wonder if he's caught on. "we should," he says walking around the counter, leading me to where it would be. as i follow behind him, i quickly glance at dallas. he doesn't seem finished yet.

the boy brings me to where the paper is. there's packs of paper and single pieces of paper that isn't wrapped. "yknow," i start ripping off a piece on one of the single sheets and walk back up to the counter, with the boy following behind me.

i take a pen from the counter and begin writing on the paper. "you gotta pay for that. 10 cents." the boy says.

i finish writing and look up at him with a smirk. i laugh lightly. "i could pay you back later..." i say slowly sliding the piece with my number on it to him. i hear the doors bell chime, telling me dallas went out.

"call me!" i say walking out the door.


i walk around the corner and find dallas taking a smoke. "took ya long enough." he says blowing the smoke into my face. i huff and fan it away.

"well, you got your shit. don't complain. you took a long time, too." i say back.

he looks at me and furrows his eyebrows. "whatdya grab?" i ask breaking the awkward silence. he's probably angry at me for talking back.

he opens his jacket to reveal the goods. "some chips," he says passing me a bag "pack a' cigarettes for each of us," he says handing me mine. "and a pack of beer." he finishes, moving out of the way to point to the beers on the ground.

"great, thanks." i say kicking the gravel. "let's go get the boys."


i turned off auto capitalization cause it started bothering me a little i don't know why lol. i hope you don't mind !

One Wish | Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now