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I lay on my bed doing homework while music plays softly in the background. Both my mom and dad were out working and Mike had a family emergency, so no one was to keep me company right now. A couple weeks ago, my dad was talking to me about how grounding me was something he shouldn't have done, he was just worried with all the demon sightings, but that still doesn't give him the right to baby me all the time. My phone buzzed slightly pulling me away from not only my homework but my thoughts as well.

Mom: We need you to stop by the store. The list is on the table along with some money, be safe

With only replying with a thumbs up emoji, I slip my shoes on with a jacket before going downstairs. Seeing the list and the money clipped to it, I started my journey to the store. It wasn't far from my house, so I wasn't really complaining. I just wish I had a car of my own.

Getting there safely, I grabbed what the list said and maybe a couple snacks for myself. As I roam up and down the aisles, noticing a person who seemed to follow where I went. Testing my theory, I walked through the aisles faster to see if they still were and I was right. Quickly finding the rest of what I needed, I went to the self checkout to get out of there as fast as I could then I headed for the exit.

But before I could leave, I stopped in my tracks as I saw 2 guys standing outside on the other side of the doors.

That's not suspicious at all

Looking at the other exit, 2 more guys stood there too. I wasn't sure what to do at the moment, I was thinking of running, but if they were just ordinary people and I'm just being paranoid then I would look absolutely crazy. So I waited until a customer went through the exit, so I followed behind them closely to make sure they couldn't get me if they even wanted too.

Making it out of there safely, I started walking down my usual path back to my house as I heard some footsteps behind me. Of course, it was those four guys I saw blocking the exits. "Why are you following me?" I ask as I stop to look at them. They don't say anything, they only walk closer to me with smirks evident on their faces. "Look at him, so pretty. We could smell you from a mile away. Your heart smells so delicious." One grinned evilly at me.

One placed his hand on my neck and his lips were dangerously close to it, but I moved before anything could happen. "Don't touch me. Just leave me alone." I say getting out of the circle they made around me. "Well I guess you leave us no choice."


Then I felt something hit the back of my head. Hard enough to the point where I fell to the ground and I felt so dizzy, before I lost all my consciousness, I felt myself being lifted into a car I heard pull up.


What's happening?

"He's waking up." I hear. I let out a small groan as my eyes flutter open, my eyes instantly look at my wrists and ankles which were tied to a chair. Panic flooded me as I struggled to get loose, but then I look around the room which was so unfamiliar to me, but those same guys were there. Watching me struggle, as if it was entertaining for them.

"W-what're you gonna do you me." I ask. "Lots of things." I whimper lightly in fear as I still tried to get the ropes off me. "That won't do anything." One of them smirked at me while inching closer to my face. I furrowed my eyebrows and I spit on him.

Yes, I spit. Gross, but he deserved it

"Go to hell." I mutter at him while he's wiping my saliva off his face. His arms quickly go to the ropes pulling them tighter than before. "Oh Luke, I'm already there." He smirked with his eyes turning black.

They kept their distance from me which confused me because if they wanted to kill me, why didn't they already? I turn my attention back to my hands which seemed to be getting paler by the second. The ropes were too tight, I could barely move my hands.

"Why are we waiting? Let's just have our fun with him already." One complained as they all walked back in surrounding me like they were before. "No. We have to wait. He'll be mad we killed without him."

Killed? I'm gonna die

More fear washed over me after hearing that word, I struggled more to get free, but it was no use, the ropes were too tight. "Aw look, you can see the fear in his eyes. How cute. Screaming won't help either, so don't even try." The same one who tightened the rope told me as he came closer to me again.

I think he was going to do something, but the door opened before they could do anything. "It's about fucking time." He groaned. "Chill out. I'm here aren't I? So where's this person you took?" The guy asked. That was the last thing I heard before the lights all started flickering as I heard someone come in. One second he was at the doorway then he was inches, no, millimeters away from my face.

As the lights flickered off and on, I took glances at him, I couldn't make out any facial features, but the one thing that really stood out was his eyes. "Y-you're a demon." I stutter.

"I'm more than that. I'm your worst fucking nightmare." He smirked while he chuckled lowly as his hand came to my chest putting pressure on it. I slowly felt his nails dig into my skin and I whimper slightly at the pain forming.

Then the lights came back on fully without flickering. That's when I saw him. I know him.

The guy from my class

When he saw me, his eyes turned back to that hazel color as he backed away from my face and his mouth slightly gaped open. He left the room going who knows where, but I'm not complaining as long as I'm still alive. I couldn't make out what was happening, but I heard yelling and stuff breaking. Then he came back in the room and started untying me.


"I'm not gonna hurt you." He mumbled. He started with my wrists first which I'm not arguing with so blood can finally flow to my hands, but I wasn't sure if I could trust his word. When he finished untying me I sat there dumbfounded as to what's happening. "Do you wanna go home or not?" He rose his voice and I still looked at him completely and utterly confused. "Y-you're not gonna kill me?"

"I said I wasn't gonna hurt you." He huffed in annoyance. "Let's go." I reluctantly stand up and follow behind me, as I made my way out the door, those four guys stood by it and as I exited they acted like they were going to hit me, but only did that to make me flinch as they had a fit of laughs. The car ride was silent, not in a good way. The only sound was me telling him where to go. "Thanks." I spoke softly as he pulled in my driveway.

"Don't mention it Luke."

He knows my name?

"H-how do you know—" I started to speak, but he cut me off. "Don't worry about it." I frowned lightly at the response. "Well, if you know my name, can I know yours?"


Ashton, I like that. It suits him.

"Well thanks again Ashton." I say again this time feeling a bit more comfortable, but still cautious nonetheless.

My parents weren't home, at least their cars weren't in the driveway, with one last glance at Ashton who seemed to be waiting until I went inside, I closed the door and I hear his car drive away. Making my way to the kitchen, I see the groceries I once dropped on the sidewalk before they took me.

What? How did they get inside my house?

I put them away before checking all the rooms, doors, and windows to make sure they're locked and no one is inside my home. I go into my bathroom to turn on my shower that I so desperately needed.

Despite Ashton almost killing me, I'll probably sound stupid for even saying this, but when he said he wasn't going to hurt me, I don't know, I and secured.

Crazy I know

I don't even know what I should do. Should I go to the cops? Should I tell my dad? Michael? I'll probably end up telling Mike anyways, he's my best friend, I tell him everything.

Sighing as I stood there hanging my head low, letting the water flow all over me. "What a day." I muttered to myself.

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