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Luke has got me feeling all sorts of ways which is very confusing to me because demons only really feel one emotion, so I don't even know what other emotions I'm feeling when I'm around him. Ever since Calum described him to me, I knew I wanted him. It's not just the way he described him though, but the energy I felt when I saw him that made me want to learn more. That made me more intrigued by him. I was going to talk to him, then my idiot friends grabbed him from the store, apparently other demons want him too. That's what I'm trying to prevent.

After, I yelled at them to pay attention next time Calum tells them shit, but knowing I almost hurt Luke and I did and still feel...wrong about it. I'm not sure what the word is, but ever since Luke came, I've been trying to get used to all these feelings. Demons aren't only limited to one emotion, we just need something or someone to expand our emotions more.

I don't know what it is, but I can tell he already feels safe with me, which I'm content about. I know he's not scared of me, usually they always run. Something inside him sees good in me, something that makes him want to stay. I don't know what it is, I know he's different. My dad even told me. That Luke doesn't even know what he is. I have a theory, but I'm not sure if it's right.

"Ashton! I need to talk to you!" I hear my dad call from downstairs. "Sit."

Uh oh

"Okay look, I can see you and Luke are getting close. Which I'm very happy for you because I also noticed you're changing. In a good way, but you have to stop talking to him. No texting either."


"You're not serious right? Why?"

"Ashton, you need to trust me on this. If you guys keep getting more and more attached, something bad will happen. I'm not too certain on what just yet, I'm still looking into it. But I know something will happen. Please son, stop talking to him."

"Okay. I will."

My dad never lies. Ever. So when he told me something bad will happen, then there must be something really bad if he's telling me.

I was going to text Luke and explain everything to him, but I couldn't. What was I going to say? We can't hang out anymore because my dad thinks something bad will happen? No. He doesn't know my dad like I do, so if anything, he'll think I used that as a lame excuse to end things.

I haven't talked to him since a night or 2 ago when I dropped him off home after picking him up at work. I hate that I even had to do it, but if it's for Luke I'd do anything to make sure he's okay. But all this was a week ago.

A week ago everything was fine between us, I want him to be mine. I do have feelings for him, at least I'm pretty sure I do. We were going to go on a date. But a week ago, that's when my dad told me. A few days ago Luke's been texting me asking what happened and if he did anything wrong. He's been asking and asking, still, I didn't reply. Then a couple days ago, he just stopped texting me. Which I guess is a good thing, he should move on from me, I'm no good for him anyways, he deserves better than what I could ever give him.

I've even been avoiding him at uni too, I just didn't go to my lecture I have with him, figuring I can email and ask for what I've missed. But I've still been watching him, no I'm not a stalker, it just makes me feel better knowing he's okay. Though it doesn't make me feel better when he frowns. However, knowing Michael was always with him, comforting him, picking him up from work so he didn't have to take the bus, it all made me feel better.

"I hope you feeling better about yourself." I hear from behind me. It's Michael. He looks very angry. "Yeah, I know who you are. Luke's been talking about you. Not in a good way so you better fucking explain yourself to me or something bad is gonna happen." He threatens which I almost find amusing, if he wasn't talking about Luke. "Okay, okay, calm down. Let's sit and I'll explain everything."

We both sit at the nearest table furthest away from people and he waits for me to speak.

"Okay, what I'm about to tell you, you cannot tell anyone, not even Luke." I start. "Ashton, I'm not so sure I can promise that." I sigh nodding.

"I'm a demon Michael, and I wouldn't be telling just anyone this but I know how close you and Luke are. I know how important he is to you. I know Luke had feelings for me, I have feelings for him too. But my dad told me something bad would happen if we keep hanging out and getting attached. If we escalated into something more. He didn't tell me what, but he has his theories, I know my dad better than anyone, he doesn't lie. He's telling the truth, so I did it to protect Luke. Everything I did was just for him Michael."

"So you ghosted him? You know how much that fucking sucks? You didn't even give him an explanation, you left him wondering why and that's what's killing him Ashton."

I sigh again feeling even more worse. "I know. I know okay? If I were to tell him why I did what I did, how do you think he's gonna take that? He'll probably think I was just ending things and I was too afraid to actually tell him so I just told him some bullshit." Michael sighed into his hands, he looked frustrated, hopeless.

"So what the fuck am I supposed to tell my best friend who's been so sad the past week over some dipshit who ghosted him?" I frown and fiddle with my hands trying to think of what to say. "Don't Michael. I'll talk to him."

He sighed again while looking at his watch. "You better go. His class ends in a minute or so, I doubt he would want to see you here with me. By the way, why are you here? Shouldn't you be in there?"

"I've been avoiding him. But I still come by just to make sure he's alright and no one bothers him." He nods and stands up. "Well you better explain to him pretty damn soon because I hate seeing him like this."

"I will."

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