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After the fight me and my dad had, we hadn't talked to each other for almost 2 weeks actually. I was waiting for him to apologize or say at least something, but he never did. He hasn't talked to me, my mom has, sometimes she tries to convince me to talk to him, but I don't. He can't keep treating me like a baby because of some demons and I just wish he'd realize that.

Michael was always there for me when I needed to get away from my house, he was always there when I needed to get things off my chest. I love him so much, he's such a great best friend, I really don't know what I would do without him. Ashton has been there for me too, it's different than how Michael comforts me. Michael gets me food and tells me lame jokes to cheer me up, it works though. Ashton, he has a way with words that I really like.

He hugs me. Yes he actually hugs me, if I didn't know know any better, I would not think he is the hugging type. But his hugs feel so warm and I feel so safe. Anyways, he just assures me everything is going to be fine. Usually, I wouldn't listen and insist on him getting me food, but I didn't have to. His words were enough to comfort me.

I finished my classes for the day, but Michael wasn't here, I don't think he was feeling well, so I sat in the café doing my work while watching the time closely so I can take the bus. I keep typing on my computer when I see Calum sit across from me. "W-what're you doing here?" I ask. "Relax Luke, no need to be scared. Just friendly talk right?"

"Where's Ashton?" I shrug. "He wasn't in our lecture today." Calum nods. "He probably slept in or something like the lazy asshole he is. I'll text him you're here, he told me you usually take the bus and he won't stop shutting up about how much he hates it." He tells me while typing on his phone. "There. I'm sure he'll be on his way. See you Luke."


It's not that I hate Ashton or anything, everything is great, but I just feel bad because I know he's going to want to take me home and I don't want him to waste his time on me. Minutes later and I hear the door open, Ashton walks in with his usual resting bitch face which makes him look more intimidating than he actually is. He sits in front of me without saying a word at first, I know he wants to, so I just continue with my work until he does.

"You know I don't want you taking the bus." He states. "I know, but I'm just a weight to carry that you shouldn't even have to carry in the first place. You know I can get by just fine on the bus."

"I know you can and I like taking you home Luke, it makes me feel...I don't know, better when I do. Knowing you got home okay."

"I can always text you when I get home Ashton." I state. "Yes, but I don't think you'd tell me if anything happened to you on the bus. That's a risk I'm trying to avoid Luke. Just please don't argue." I sigh when realizing how serious he was about this, so I nod changing the subject.

"You weren't here today." I frown.

"I know, I'm sorry. My dad needed me for something. Did you want me there?" He asks while I nod slowly. "It would make me feel better."

"Why Luke? You don't have to worry about me." I shake my head. "After you came into my room all beat up, I just get scared you're somewhere hurt."

"I'll come, alright? Just please don't worry." I sigh and nod. "Is your dad still not talking to you?" He asks while I shake my head as a response. "I don't really wanna go home either. Do you think you can drop me off at Mikes?"

"Come to mine."


"Are you sure? Your parents will be fine with it?" He nods undoubtedly. "Of course. Are you done?" I nod and start packing up. When I was done I was about to sling my backpack over my shoulder, but Ashton took it from me and put it over his own. "I can hold my own stuff." I say, but he doesn't answer me, and I know he can hear me just fine.

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