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Jack Hawkins and the Faery Prophecies


R.S. Sheehan

(Written for my niece, Annie).

©Copyright 2014  All rights reserved

- Prologue

In the not so distant past, it was often said by the old folk, that we humans are not the only beings that inhabit the world, and that in fact - there are others. Furthermore it was even said, that ours is not the only world, and that actually there are many, many other worlds.

Places of both beautiful wonder and yet unimaginable terror. These are strange lands that are said to contain equally strange creatures; and on top of that, often they are said to be ruled by mystifying and majestic beings. Of course, otherwise known as 'Faeries' - in English and Celtic tradition. Or in France as 'Goblins', or in Germanic and Nordic traditions as 'Elves' and so on and so forth. There are many names and there are many creatures to name.

In the many stories recounting these beings, their lands are far more older than ours; and therefore the creatures that do dwell in them far more ancient. And far more dangerous. These worlds we are told, are said to exist parallel but totally independent to our own; and so therefore, for the most part, the world of ours and the worlds of theirs, do seldom collide.

However - throughout the ages it has been noted that at certain times of the year (but not every year) and at certain places (but not always the same place), the world of ours and the worlds of theirs, do briefly and without question, dangerously collide. This unexplainable occurrence has the effect of creating supernatural; bridges, tunnels and doors that lead from their worlds into ours and vice versa.

These strange worlds are described to us most often in the Faerie Tales that our Grannies and Grandads told us as children in the same way that they too were told by their grandparents; the old way of telling stories by the fire, in the darkness of the night. This great oral tradition was widely found right across the world, in every country and in as many languages as there are or ever were. It was very much a tradition that had been around for generations. Perhaps, even for thousands of years. It was a proud tradition and more importantly, a necessary one.

That is until recently. For within the last fifty years mankind has advanced technologically far beyond any recognition of its more humble past. And as a consequence we have become ignorant as a species. Perhaps we have even become the most ignorant type of creature, there has ever been. In this world or any other. And if that ignorance is left unchecked and further allowed to fester, it will but surely bring upon us the downfall of our species, our entire civilizations and even the most primitive forms of our existence. For there is a darkness out there. - A darkness in other worlds, that is far more evil and destructive than anything humankind (even with all its technology) could ever dream of creating or could ever possibly defeat. Faerie Tales, though now almost forgotten, serve a purpose. To remind us to beware of what lurks in the dark.

Unfortunately it is a warning in which we no longer pay any heed to. For we now live in a modern world that has no place for so called 'silly' tales of things, that the science of humans cannot prove and that its reason cannot justify. We think now that we are the Gods. That we know everything and the things that which we do not, we will know soon enough. We no longer need such Faerie stories anymore or such 'silly' people to tell them. Computers rule the day and television rules the night. Children, teenagers, adults, everybody is consumed by technology. Internet, Facebook, Twitter, online shopping and social networking. These are the things that matter. These are the future. For now at least.

The gravest part of our over reliance on technology is that our proud oral traditions of Faery Tales have now become almost a redundant art, ignored by most, scorned at by others and practiced only by a few. Information that was widely known before about Faeries and the like, is now nearly all but lost. In fact even the very word 'Faerie' has in modern life become devolved and devoid of its original meaning and significance. Even the spelling of the word has changed. And unbelievably, it is now but just another 'marketing' word to be used to sell toys and movies to children and childish adults. Which would almost be ironic if its original meaning wasn't so terrifyingly vile, wicked and dangerous, that irony is utterly pointless when there are much greater issues at hand.

Therefore finally we have come to the real reasoning of why this book was written. Firstly it most certainly is not an attempt to lament a dying art or reminisce about the tales of old. Nor is it intended to be a work designed to indulge the reader in notions of fantasy and make believe. Definitely not! But rather it is to be the start of the fightback. The fightback against the tragedy of lost knowledge and of further, future ignorance in regard to Faeries and the like.

In conclusion, it should be noted that this book contains the only known record of a very dark tale indeed. It is a tale that, insofar as humanly possible, is as accurate and as truthful as can be. It is a unique firsthand account of the Faerie world, its people and of a dark war. It is a story that must be told and must never be forgotten. In addition to this, as the teller of this tale, and at this very last point I feel dutifully obliged to add, that if you be squeamish, fainthearted, a constant crier or worse; then you should close the book now. Close it now. And put it away in the bottom of a dark cupboard or on your highest, most-out-of-the reach shelf, to gather dust between its yellow pages. Do this and never return to it. For although this surely is a tale of Faeries, it is not, not even in the slightest, a fairy tale.


This novel will be updated every five days. If you liked reading this opening Prologue, then please consider giving it a vote. I would greatly appreciate it. :) Also feel free to follow me and leave comments and feedback. I love reading them and will reply to all. Thanks for all your support. - R.S. Sheehan

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