cool and nonchalant

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"i think i could help you with byulyi-unnie."

"wait, what?"

"jimin told me."

seokjin's jaw almost fell on the ground along with his heart as he heard the smartest member of mamamoo speaking in front of him. "he- he what!?" his voice almost disturbed everyone in the waiting room, wanting to kneel down in order to beg her.

beg wheein to NEVER ever tell byulyi about his feelings.

"i mean it's obvious." wheein spoke frankly, pursing her lips as seokjin tried to retort. "whee-"

wheein giggled, muttering. "your ears and nose are blushing, oppa." she pointed into the bridge of his nose, whispering. "it's obvious for me, but for unnie -" wheein heaves a sigh. "she's quite dense when it comes to these."

uncomfortable, seokjin whispers. "wheein, please don't-"

"oh, no!" wheein yelps, too much with excitement. "i won't tell her, believe me." she lets out an adorable chuckle, looking around. "i'll keep my mouth shut, really." 


that's a good deal.

seokjin was silenced by that. "on one condition." wheein grinned, crossing her arms as seokjin tilted his head. "what is it?"

"free meal?" wheein wiggled her brows, before seokjin's mouth part. "that's... it?" receiving a nod from wheein, the latter immediately agreed on with the deal, after thinking twice of why the hell would wheein give that kind of offer. 

as expected, it's no longer a question why byulyi was in a group of bunch of weird-ass females, it includes her.

snorting, seokjin whispers. "wheein, i'm counting on you." he muttered.

"yeah, you should!" wheein laughs. "to be honest, i am rooting for you." the younger member grins, adding. "she needs to date, she's so busy with her work." wheein explains. "you shouldn't hate jimin for telling me,"

"why shouldn't i?"

"because i could help you drag byulyi unnie here." wheein giggles softly, looking around once again before leaning in to whisper. "you know that she likes cool and nonchalant guys."

pulling off, seokjin pauses, lifting up his head to the ceiling to wonder. he ran his fingers through his neck, muttering. "i'm that."

wheein's mouth fall, as she whispers. "oppa, you're not that."

seokjin frowns, muttering. "but if not, who would that be?"

wheein grins, "you should make her swoon over you if that's the case, you know, being -"

their conversation was cut off, as soon as the door slams open, leaving the two of them speechless as they saw byulyi. with his heart dropping, he yelled. "b- byulie!" 

byulyi haven't replied enthusiastically, as she smiled weakly. "oh, you're here."

wheein stuttered, asking. "you've been here for a long time?"

byulyi awkwardly places her purse on the make up stand, shaking her head. "nah," she started. "i've just talked to the composer." she scratches her head as wheein asks in concern. "then?"

"well," byulyi chuckled bitterly.

"kinda rejected."

seokjin's tension fell off the drain after seeing her head drop.


"ugh," byulyi grunted, stretching her arms as she lets the breeze fan her cheeks, closing her eyes. "today is stressful." she whispers, taking a sip of the fresh air from the balcony of the building. 

"yeah, by the time you've entered the room - you look dead." seokjin whispers, not including the part where he almost fell into the ground when she opens the door, thoughts haunting him if she had ever heard his conversation with wheein.

but judging the way she huffs alone,

seokjin couldn't help but chuckle in pity, whispering. "so," he trails-off.

"mm?" she asks, opening her eyes to look towards him.

"you want to roam around for tonight?" seokjin asks, even if his voice was shaky, he still tried his best to offer her and grab the opportunity. he was already planning to take her on a drive, remembering how she told him before about her ideal date including a simple ride downtown.

but now that he's seeing her in her most stressful state, he wanted to make her feel alright for the mean time.

setting aside his feelings, he softly whistled. 

byulyi smiles softly towards him, unknowingly shooting straight right into his heart as she whispers. "you're driving me around?" he was about to do this for the sake of her health and peace of mind for tonight, but goodness- her low, and raspy whisper made his imagination run through a lot of things.

he. needs. to. calm. down.

even just for now, good lord!

"unless you wanted to?" he tried to keep up with her confidence, as byulyi giggles, tearing her gaze away from him. "you're becoming a huge flirt, aren't you?" she asks, as he smirks softly. "is it working?"

her mouth parted, turning to him with wide eyes.

"kidding." seokjin lifted up his hands in defense, as byulyi rolls her eyes in reply, turning back to look over the city as he chuckled in reply of her expression. "you need to loosen up, byulie."

"i know," byulyi purses her lips adorably, "that's what they've been telling me too." she squeezes her hands together while her elbow rests on the railings. "i've been out of it too much after a couple of failures in the composition side."

he listened to her thoughts for a couple of minutes, before byulyi sighs in defeat. "gah, this is useless."

"no, go on." seokjin muttered, listening thoroughly, making her look back to him with confusion in her eyes. "you sure this is tolerable to listen to?" she asks, her voice dripping in a smooth manner, as he nodded. "i've been there, more like i am still." seokjin trails-off, looking at her.

"there's nothing wrong with loosening up your mind for... tonight, right?" seokjin asks, trying to get a confirmation through her reaction.

pursing her lips, byulyi gave it a thought.

she's been busy for two months without rest, even multi-tasking to meet up with her friends, including him. but she haven't got to rest for a while, maybe she really needed to talk with someone to unwind with, not just for a drink or laugh.

and seokjin was the first person she could ever think of.

with her lips curling up into a smile, byulyi nodded slowly. "yeah."

"what do you mean by that?" he asks, as he scans her face slowly, whispering by then. "road trip?" 

breaking into a huge grin, byulyi tucks her hands inside her pockets, jumping off the cement as she twirls her figure, nodding. "yeah, you'd drive along, right?"

he was still mesmerized by the way her dark brown hair falls perfectly down her shoulders, her smile seems beautiful, as always. but the twinkle in her eyes were no where to be found, and it felt like she affects him a lot, since the strings of his heart faltered just by the thought of her sadness.

sighing, seokjin nodded, breaking into a reassuring smile as he hops down, following her movements. "i'll take you home after this, too." he added, satisfaction filling up his heart after seeing her reward him with a smile of acceptance.

"thanks, jinnie."

cool and nonchalant? that could wait.

all he could ever think  about was making byulyi at peace even just for tonight.

how do i tell you, i love you? [ moon byulyi x kim seokjin ]Where stories live. Discover now