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"any particular reason why you're frowning?" wheein noticed the stress on hyejin's face as the day goes by, watching her wring her mind out of confusion. 

it's been days after hyejin's realization. she then started doubting the real score between her unnie and her friend. but then again, they were just kidding about the two dating before, was it possible for the two to really -


"wheein-ah," hyejin takes a glance at her friend. "what is it, hyejin-ah?" wheein bites into her doughnut. "have you been noticing that byulyi-unnie is acting different these days?" hyejin curiously peers to see her expression.

wheein shook her head. "mm, she doesn't look odd to me." she continues with her food. "wae? is she acting weird?"

"uh? no." hyejin shortly replies, picking on her food- which seems to be now odd seems hyejin's always up for food. 

"if she ever ends up dating, she would tell us, right?" hyejin asks once again.

wheein then pauses, sugary powders were left on her cheeks before looking at hyejin with wide eyes. "is unnie dating?"

"i'm asking you the question wheein." hyejin snorted. "oh, she's not dating!" wheein denied hyejin's conjecture, before sinking down to her thoughts.

but- didn't jin like her unnie? 

and they were frequently together.


wheein's eyes were wide, tapping hyejin on the shoulder. hyejin skeptically looks at her with a raised brow. "what?" 

"let's go."

"go for?"

"searching." wheein was still puzzled while speaking. "searching for?" hyejin was startled with her friend's suggestion.

"evidences." wheein breaks into a grin, suggesting yongsun should come too.



"daebakie's been really gaining weight..." 

it was bangtan's day-off, and automatically, a day-off for the both of them means spending another time together in her house. byulyi was currently washing up the plates after lunch, while seokjin dries up daebakie after his shower.

"you always feed him whenever i told you no." byulyi complains softly, watching how her favorite dog slumps on the floor, allowing seokjin to rub on daebakie's belly while dozing off to sleep, "i can't help it, he looks adorable!"

she grins. "you two really get along well." she shook her head, drying her hands as she saw him carry her pet carefully to his small bed near the couch. she giggled at the extra tiny movement, appearing adorable for her.

she then joined the couch after daebakie had fallen into deep slumber, laughing softly when he immediately welcomed her in his arms, resting his hand on her waist while they comfortably watched the movie. "am i daebakie?" 

he chuckles, shaking his head while murmuring. "unless you want me to bring you dog treats. " 

she rolls her eyes, slapping his arm before they laughed together. there goes his howl of laughter once again, making the situation even funnier for byulyi. one thing about byulyi that jin learned is- she never stops laughing for more than a minute when she finds something extremely funny.

the thing is, she always laugh at everything. 

endeared by her laugh, seokjin mumbles. "you really laugh at everything, wah."  byulyi clutches her stomach from laughing, shaking her hand while laughing. he was slowly captivated by her laughter after all, tipping her chin as he stole a small kiss from her. 

how do i tell you, i love you? [ moon byulyi x kim seokjin ]Where stories live. Discover now