you like him?

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it was their first ever fight, 

but it hurts like hell. there were no more communications after that, it wasn't clear at all. 

but even an interaction in shows, there were no more. 

it's been four days.

wheein was the first to know about their argument, since she's the only one who knew about their relationship. byulyi finally realizes the cons of her ways, that jin also has a point.

she couldn't sleep at night, wondering how they were already. she wanted to text him, but she might've hurt him too much with her own selfish ways in managing their relationship. maybe she should've listened at his part too.

she sighs softly, spinning her head around while sitting out of her waiting room.


her closed eyes opened all of a sudden, seeing chanyeol and his beautiful smile. it was contagious, and byulyi can't help but smile as well, leaving a space for him to seat beside her. "you good?" chanyeol asks, tilting his head to look at her.

she smiled weakly, shaking her head.

"is it related... to the restaurant?" he asks, in a whisper as byulyi's smile grew, but it didn't reached her eyes. "yeah..." byulyi purses her lips, fiddling her fingers while sighing.

"guess i'm too idiotic." byulyi scrunched her nose, hearing him chuckle softly.

"yeah, you two look like idiots." chanyeol laughs along with her, seeing her beam.

"... so..." chanyeol looks around, sighing. "you two fought." 

"mm, yeah." byulyi nods slowly. "is he jealous of our interactions?" he asks, seeing how her eyes widen. "we're..." byulyi was about to deny it once again, but she remembers jin.

"you're dating, right?"


she keeps recalling every single night about her guilt because of delaying it all over again.

"i'm quite an idiot." byulyi concludes all of a sudden, surprising chanyeol. "huh, why?"

"uh, i... i've been delaying the news about our dating because i was too afraid." she chuckles weakly, lowering her head. "i was just afraid to risk it all considering how famous they are now..." she rubbed the tip of her nose, scrunching her nose as she looks at chanyeol.

"i almost forgot my responsibility as a friend and girlfriend because of that."

the silence went on between them for a while as chanyeol lets it sink inside his head and heart. after a couple of seconds, she chuckles softly, gaining byulyi's attention. "huh?" she whispers, as he looks at her with a smile.

"why are you chuckling?" byulyi questions him. his eyes shifted from her to the stage, finding any traces of jin. he shook his head slowly, murmuring. "it's just that... he's lucky to have you." he rests his head on the wall, mimicking byulyi.

"what? it felt like i suck you know." byulyi chuckles back, as he scowls.

"you should say sorry." chanyeol mumbles, only hearing her hum in response.


"i'm even scared to talk, he might think of breaking up by what i've been saying." byulyi chuckles, "it's not his fault to think that he's the only one exerting effort, i've been too driven covering up." she explains.

"but you like him." chanyeol speaks, not hearing a response from her. 

he looks at her, awaiting for her response. "right?"

she chuckles bitterly, closing her eyes.

"very much." she smiled at the thought, yawning softly. "i like him very much." 

"i bet he feels the same, i can see that he cares." chanyeol smiles.

"really?" she giggled.

"jin is a good guy, that's why you rejected me for him." 

he laughs as she slaps his arm, "stop that!" 

they both laughed together.

and somehow, byulyi wishes that jin could hear how much she likes him. 


byulyi spent her whole day practicing after their shows, trying to get her mind off jin for a while.

jin would occasionally get updates from wheein about her, he wasn't able to talk to her for a while since he's guilty of his conclusions against her.

he shouldn't have said that.

wheein sighs seeing how it affects the both of them. both of them has a point, but were currently overwhelmed because it's their first fight.

she purses her lips, thinking that the whole story will be joyful, now she couldn't crack a joke for while, thinking it'll be inappropriate to do one, seeing how somber they both were.

"ah, i'm really tired." byulyi lies down on the floor after practicing, closing her eyes before yongsun snorted. "c'mon byul, it's only one dance left."

"not listening." byulyi chuckles teasingly, as hyejin giggled.

"let's go now, unnie." hyejin claps. 

grunting in reply, byulyi obliged, concealing her head full of worries, trying to figure out how she'll talk to seokjin after all of this. wheein keeps watching her, shaking her head every time she'll space out when talking about their performance.

and then the whole day went on like that.

yongsun already left the building, byulyi surprisingly didn't tag along with yongsun, she was busying herself inside the practice room, while wheein and hyejin were finishing their final touches. 

wheein always keeps looking in her phone, as if she's waiting for something.

"hyejin, we should head out first." wheein nudged hyejin's shoulder, as hyejin flinches. "huh? we're just in the middle." she murmurs, as byulyi heard their conversation. "i'm really ached to rest." wheein suddenly pulls her aegyo, making hyejin laugh.

"what's that?" hyejin looks at her, earning a grin from wheein. 

"please, we should watch a movie, right?"

hyejin purses her lips, turning to byulyi.

she's been working overtime these days. "unnie, you aren't going home yet?" she asks, receiving a smile from byulyi. "mm, just a few more practice and i'll head home." she stretched her arms, "fine, don't overwork yourself!" hyejin finally gave up, standing up.

wheein then smiles, rushing forward to hug byulyi before whispering. "jin-oppa's on the way here, wait for him, okay?"

byulyi's eyes went wide, looking at wheein as she was about to speak.

wheein could only cover her mouth with her index finger, hushing her. "well head already, take care!" she stood up, immediately grabbing her bag before dragging hyejin out of the room. "unnie!" hyejin as about to hug byulyi, but wheein was already pulling her out.

she instead waves her hand, "see you tomorrow!" the maknae grins. 

"mm..." byulyi smiles weakly, mind occupied with wheein's advice. 

she pouted softly, immediately fixing her hair tie as she looks at the mirror. sighing in defeat, byulyi shook her head.

she awaits for two minutes.

then she realizes that she's not ready to meet him.

"this is not it, i'm not yet ready!" she stood up, grabbing her bag as well.

she was about to leave and cancel the meeting that jin was about to do, 

but as soon as she opens the door-

it was already him. 

how do i tell you, i love you? [ moon byulyi x kim seokjin ]Where stories live. Discover now