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the ride home was suddenly silent. 

and jin was not recognizing that byulyi was dazed through-out the ride, staring into nowhere after what has gone to her mind earlier when they were in the pastry shop.

all that was noisy inside the car was the sound of the radio, and their breathing.

"so, mind to tell me why you became suddenly silent?" he asks, turning to the right as byulyi flinches, muscles tensing all of a sudden as she speaks. "well, maybe i was tired of roaming all over the museum and such..." she averted her eyes away from him, realizing that she was distracted from her earlier thoughts. 

"so you're going to skip the part that you've eaten a lot of doughnuts?" he chuckled, as she yells. "yah, you told me it was your treat!"

"it was!"

"so it should be from your whole heart!"

"it is from my heart!" seokjin fought back.

"then why are you bringing that up?" byulyi frowns, accidentally looking back at him as he smirks. "so it'll be your treat next time, around?"  

his smile looks too cute, and byulyi was not having it. she quickly tore her gaze away from him, trying to pry away from her thoughts earlier as she keeps on chanting to her head that she shouldn't be taking everything too seriously.

it's. just. a friendly. date.


if only she knows what seokjin was doing.

"next time?" byulyi then realizes the words. "well, deulie is asking me if we could gather at my house for a movie night." he trails-off, as she nodded slowly. "ah..."

"what do you mean by 'ah?', you sound defeated." seokjin observes, peeking on her direction as he whispers. "are you disappointed that it's not just the two of us?" right there- she immediately snapped her neck to face him.

"you're so full of yourself, this is disgusting." byulyi bit back, hearing him laugh. yet he couldn't notice- that her cheek was dusted with pink into her ears. she looks adorable when blushing, but seokjin was too busy wondering if she was offended by his flirty joke.

"i'm just kidding." seokjin puckered his lips, driving once again as byulyi whispers. "what would you do if you ended up not joking?" she turns to the window, snorting as he almost stops from continuing to drive. could he just slam the brakes and confess by now?


his heart was busy exploding on his chest, wondering if she knows the effect that she was giving by spitting out those kind of words. IT MEANS a lot to him.

"byulyi, you-" 

"seriously, kim seokjin." she glared towards him, as he murmurs. "what's with female and mood changes?" he asks, but byulyi was pursing her lips together, trying not to speak of how frustrated she was of her sudden thought earlier. now that she was getting pissed with seokjin's jokes with no reason, she was getting back to her sanity.

she should have always remain sane. 

"if we're going to stay into your house later on," byulyi pauses, as he anticipates what she has to say. "you need to cook." 

seokjin snorted.

yeah, he already had the menu together. as if she haven't written anything on that list, she would never see that coming. 

"and you know, i'd suggest you to cook pasta." byulyi started, yet he couldn't contain his laughter, knowing she was just getting her ways to eat what she was craving for. "menu's on me, so i won't listen to you." seokjin trails-off, as she rolls her eyes. "inconsiderate ass." 

after a tad bit of squabbles the two ended up into a fit of laughter, before byulyi had finally regained her consciousness after he absurd mind earlier. for a moment she had to admit, he looks cool while treating her with care through-out the event. 

"well, here ya go." seokjin pauses, as byulyi reaches the building of rbw. chuckling, byulyi mumbles. "this is quite fun." she started, as he felt his heart skipping a beat once again after hearing her. "we should do this often." she looks back at him, flustered at his sudden flinch as he mumbles, "yeah, thanks for helping me out too." he averted his eyes so quickly.

he will just melt underneath her gaze.

"make sure to send me the drafts once you finished." byulyi points her finger on him, as he stuck his tongue out, nodding. "yeah, sure." he tried to act cool, as she laughs. "thanks for the ride!" she hops out of the car, waving goodbye. 

"did you enjoyed?" he yells, as she turns back around, nodding. 

"very!" she yelled back, giving him one last wave as he grins, closing the windows before he sat dazed on the car.

even if it doesn't look like a romantic date for her, this day means everything for seokjin.

with that, he could only pump his fist in the thin air, dancing slightly while giddily laughing out of joy. 

he was unaware, that as soon as byulyi turns her back away from him- a smile was drawn to her lips for no reason, squeezing her eyes shut as she forbids herself to let her lips curl wider, holding tight into her bag before entering the building with a huge smile embedded on her face.

"you're back from the date!" 

her smile faltered, hearing wheein yelling from the practice room as she murmurs. "date my ass, where's the rest?" she asks, dropping her bag on the floor before wheein watches her in amusement. "they are still on their way, how did it end up?"

"the what?"

"your date with jin-oppa."

"it's not a date wheein." byulyi shrugs her off, rolling her eyes. "he's just asking me if i could accompany him to the museum, 'ya know." she stretches her arms while facing the mirror. "of course he needed to treat me some food."

silently giggling, wheein shook her head. "quite a considerate friend." she sarcastically speaks, but byulyi haven't got the memo. "how did you knew that i'm with him, though?" she asks. wheein parted her mouth, before whispering. "you were missing, i've asked everyone where you are and yongsun-unnie told me that you're with jin-oppa." 

wheein grins. "i thought you two were on a date, mianhe." she apologizes. 

sheepishly grinning, byulyi mumbles. "you're really at it again, whee." 

"unnie," wheein whispers, as byulyi asks. "yes?"

"did you enjoyed today?"

wheein observed her elder friend, trying to see her expression if it's full of neutrality, or if she was covered by blush and all. smiling widely, wheein noticed the sudden twitch on the side of her lips from the mirror, as she quickly regained her reflex to not smile.

"i did, it's fun." she replied in a monotone voice, maintaining her poker face before tying her hair into a ponytail. wheein could only chuckle to herself, sighing softly. "wish i had a friend like that, then." she playfully wiggled her brows, checking her phone before mumbling to herself.

"jin-oppa, you one lucky mother fucker." she giggled.

how do i tell you, i love you? [ moon byulyi x kim seokjin ]Where stories live. Discover now