did you said it?

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"i have something to say."

the playful mood suddenly switched up as soon as byulyi started talking when they were left alone as four in the practice room, munching on their ordered jajangmyeon. 

mamamoo silences themselves whenever they eat, so hearing byulyi speak made the three swallow their food as yongsun mumbles. "continue."

"i'm dating."


hyejin silences herself for a few minutes, before yongsun blinks. "come again?" wheein, on the other hand keeps on eating her food as if she heard nothing, sipping on water as byulyi rubs her cheek, murmuring. "i'm... in a relationship."

hyejin slams her chopsticks on top of her noodles, before munching. 

"what the fuck-"

"language!" yongsun quickly yells at hyejin, covering her mouth as soon as byulyi confessed her relationship status. "i told you unnie is dating someone!" hyejin pulls yongsun's hand away from her mouth, furious.

"hyejin-ah-" byulyi speaks, as hyejin cried. "that cologne back then in your house!"

wheein couldn't help but grin at her childhood friend's reaction, biting her lower lip as yongsun stood silent, staring at byulyi with a blank face. "sorry, i was still wondering how i could blurt it out." byulyi sighs in defeat, lifting her hands up to apologize. 

yongsun was still silent.

and then silence became the thing.

"byul-ah." yongsun speaks in a serious tone, looking at her. "why did you hide it?"

the rapper was flustered, stuttering immediately.

"listen, i know it's disappointing." byulyi started, setting aside the bowl of her food before speaking once again. "but i really am sorry, i promised that i'll tell this immediately but..."

she bit her lower lip, before glancing at the three.

just then, byulyi almost cursed out loud when she sees yongsun's lips twitching into a big smile.

"congratu..." yongsun then stood up after giggling, surprising the second eldest as she encouraged the two young girls to stand up, immediately harmonizing as the three of them sang playfully while clicking their chopsticks, "lations!"

"congratulations!" they sang loudly, clapping and tapping everywhere possible as byulyi looks at them, dumbfounded. "congratulations, lations, lations, lations-" yongsun sang loudly, gasping when byulyi hits her leg with a pillow. "ah!" she whined, as hyejin giggled. "unnie, chukahe!" 

the three of them clapped, as byulyi laughs in relief. "you... are not mad?"

"it's obvious that you're dating, duh!" hyejin and yongsun retorted, as wheein laughs. "ah, it's such a relief that she finally said it." hyejin purses her lips, immediately going back to her food as they all continued their rest while talking. 

"so, who's the lucky guy?" yongsun asks, slurping on her noodles as byulyi bit her noodles, seeing the excitement built on the le-mak line, as byulyi mumbles. "jin."

suddenly, the slurping sound of the noodles stopped as the two looks at her with wide eyes. "huh?"


"kim seokjin?" hyejin asks, mouth wide open. "yeah." 

screams filled the air as yongsun laughs out loud, yelling. "really, when, how!?" she stood up in surprise, watching byulyi chuckle at their reaction. "i knew it, as soon as i smelled the cologne when we're on mama!" hyejin stood up excitedly, narrating the story.

how do i tell you, i love you? [ moon byulyi x kim seokjin ]Where stories live. Discover now