twelve | ghost

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October 3

It's Marla who's going to talk to Riley. After I tell them what I learn from Shane -- without actually mentioning his name -- Marla decides she should be the one to talk to Riley. Even though I have my doubts because Marla -- despite her good intentions -- can be a bit challenging, I let her do it her way.

As expected, it doesn't go as well as we'd hoped.

"She thought I was making things up," Marla exclaims, throwing her hands up as she paces relentlessly in the school parking. "She said I'm stooping this low because I'm jealous that she's found love when my boyfriend is so far away. Like seriously? She actually has the nerve to liken my relationship with Hashir to whatever toxic issue she's having with Carlos? What a fucking joke."

I sigh, resting my chin in my hands as I sit and wait for Racheal's mom to arrive. Racheal and Marla have taken it upon themselves to take me home and today is Racheal's turn. I hate it, to be honest, but no matter how many times I argue, they're firm that they don't want me going home alone, especially after what happened with Riley's dad.

Not to mention Marla's suspicion that Carlos might try to kill me because I'm messing up his relationship.

And then they say I watch too many mystery shows.

I'm actually happy I no longer have to walk twenty minutes every day to get home. My legs can't take much more of the unwanted exercise.

Racheal's mom, a pleasant old housewife who loves talking about her cats and the dozens of plants she takes care of, insists we stop off and buy some cat food on the way home. I don't mind since I don't have anyone waiting for me at home. After making sure I'm fine waiting in the car, Racheal and her mom go into the grocery store. I wait in the backseat, resting my head against the window and focusing on the nice, cool sensation spreading through my skin is.

Something catches my attention and I stare through the window at the guy standing next to a familiar convertible. I recognize him instantly as Carlos wraps his arm around a girl I haven't seen before. Using my quick thinking, I pull out my phone and snap a picture, hoping I'll be able to show it to Riley and get her to come to her sense before it's too late. Regardless of how bad I'd feel breaking my friend's heart, she deserves to see Carlos for the man he is. The sooner she comes to realize he doesn't deserve her, the better off she is.

I send the picture to Riley along with my current location so she'll know I'm not making anything up. Burying my phone in my pocket again, I smile when Racheal and her mother return.

"You're not too bored, are you, love?" the woman asks me.

"I'm good, Mrs. Marshall, thank you." I smile as she revs the car to life.

They drop me home a few minutes later, refusing to have tea or coffee because Racheal's mom's cats are probably lonely. I don't say it, but I think they're more afraid of the cats taking over the house and refusing to let them back in unless they bow to the supreme creatures.

Once they're gone, I sit in one of the kitchen chairs. Bored and alone, I sip the orange juice Racheal's mom had got me on her way out of the store so I wouldn't feel left out. She got me a funny pair of flipflops as well which I'm sure I'll never use but kept because I didn't want to let her down.

The door of my house opens and Mom enters. I watch her make her way toward the kitchen, smiling distantly when she sees me.

"How are you, honey?" she asks, opening the fridge.

I stare at her, wondering how she can be so calm. It's frustrating how Mom thinks adding words like 'honey' can somehow make me feel like she's still my mother regardless of how much she ignores me. I can't remember the last time we had a mother-daughter talk. Sitting here now, I realize I haven't even seen her in almost a week.

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