thirty eight

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"hoseok!" yoongi shouted, spotting the familiar tuft of hair sat patiently in a bus station, legs bouncing and lip between his teeth. "fuck-" he ran up to him, quickly throwing his arms around him, a small tear escaping his eye. "hoseok don't do that ever again."

yoongi had managed to drive to busan, pulling up at a local bus station about to ask if anyone had seen the boy when his luck seemed to have peaked, as his arms were now wrapped around his lover, the other copying the action, sighing in content.

"i-i'm sorry y-yoonie. i t-thought-" hoseok began stuttering out, small gasps escaping through his parted lips but yoongi quickly silenced him with a kiss, a slow and sensual one due to not seeing him for over 24 hours. hoseok pulled away, looking into the others eyes. "i was going to break up with you." he mumbled.

yoongi felt his heart stop, hurt filling his features as he stepped back, his hands still resting on the boys arms. "what?" he whispered. his eyes scanned the boy in front. i "but i love you. don't- don't you love me?"

hoseok nodded, reaching up and cupping the others cheek, the pale skin was flushed from the cold, warmth erupting underneath hoseoks fingertips as yoongi leaned into the simple tender touch, almost forgetting the words he spoke earlier. "of course i do. i love you so much. that's why i was going to." he dropped his hand, shaking his head. "but then i realised, i'm doing exactly what jin hyung wants."

"and what exactly do you think he wants?" yoongi questioned, sitting down next to the boy, gazing at the face he'll never get bored with. the ethereal being that was all his.

"to ruin my life. just like i apparently ruined his all those years ago when i came back." hoseok mumbled. "i love him and he loves me but he can't handle when the attention isn't on him. hence why he's got two boyfriends. it's something controversial something i'll never have." he smiled softly. "and i'm glad i've got someone he'll never have. someone sat next to me." he turned to his boyfriend, frowning slightly. "promise me you won't let him have you."

yoongi didn't answer, instead he lent in, kissing the boys pouting lips, slipping between the muscles and gently tugging on each of his heart shaped lips, massaging them softly before pulling away, noticing the slight red blush overtaking the boys features. "is that a good enough answer?"

hoseok grinned, nodding. just as he lent in again, the bus pulled up, opening its doors as the pair glanced at it. he sighed, standing up. "i've got to go and see him yoonie. else he won't stop."

yoongi nodded in understanding but quickly grabbed the others hand, smooth skin against rough, their palms kissing each other gently. "i'll come with you. come on." he gently dragged the boy to his car, a smile on his face as hoseok was beaming behind him.

just before he was about to open the passenger side door, hoseok pinned him against it, connecting their lips in a heated kiss, the pair both fighting for dominance as yoongi won, flipping them over so hoseok was pressed against the cold plastic, a shiver erupting down his spin as yoongis hands shifted underneath his top slightly, fingertips dancing against the bare tan skin, hoseoks fingers gripping harshly on the mans hair, tugging at it allowing a groan to emit from yoongis now swollen lips.

"fuck." yoongi whispered against his lips. "your getting it when we're next alone." his erection pressed harshly against his jeans as he ground it into hoseok, the smaller moaning at the delicious friction he'll never get use to.

"i want you." hoseok groaned, his hips jerking forward as yoongi chuckled, stepping away from the needy boy, panting against the car.

"i know baby boy. and you'll have me. after we've sorted this." he gently kissed him again before reaching behind and starting to open the door. "come on. the quicker we get this done the quicker you can have me."

hoseok nodded eagerly, almost leaping into the car as yoongi sighed, afraid of what awaited them at seokjins complex. 

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