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"I heard Kai sent you an update about Jodi. So, how was it?" Jimin asked while they're having dinner together with the other boys.

"Wow, hyung you really had her investigated?" Jungkook said.

"Did you find out anything weird about her?" Hoseok teased him.

"Nothing extraordinary" Yoongi replied.

"You'll get over her hyung. I can arrange a blind date for you if you like" Namjoon offered but Yoongi just shake his head as his response.

"Or we can have fun in the club" Tae suggested.

"No, not the club oh please" Jin rolled his eyes remembering what happened the last time they went clubbing.

"I don't need any other girls. Leave me alone" Yoongi said to end the conversation. He doesn't want to share what he found out to protect Jodi from criticism.

He went to his room after dinner hoping to think of a plan to win Jodi back. Should he go to her house? Or to her school? What if she still hates him and just ignore him? So many questions in his mind that's keeping him up late at night. He needs to apologize to everything he did and said to Butterfly. He was so wrong about her. He still loves her whether she's Butterfly or Jodi. He loves her and he wants her back.

He felt his phone vibrates that woke him up around 2 in the morning. He was surprised to see it's Kai who's calling him.

"Hey Kai, what's up?"

"Mr. Min, I'm sorry to bother you this early but this is an emergency"

"What's going on?" He sit up on his bed scratching his head to wake his senses.

"Jodi was abducted. Those men who works for Mr. Choi took her by force. I'm currently outside the warehouse where they took her"

"What the fuck?! Why did they took her? Is she hurt?" Yoongi was aggitated that he immediately jumps out of his bed and went to his closet to change.

"I don't know but she's surely in danger. This Mr. Choi is a drug dealer. I also know he likes Butterfly so much. He is a regular in the club. I've seen his men followed her to her apartment the other night. I called the police for back up. We will raid the warehouse when the police get here.

"I'm going to kill them if they hurt Jodi. Send me the address, I'm going right now" Yoongi took his keys and hurriedly run out of the house to his car.

"Okay, I'll text the address to you. Be careful on your way here"


"Okay you're free to move. Take your clothes off and follow me to the bed" he sat in the middle of the bed while he waits for Jodi.

Jodi's hands were shaking in fear but she need to be brave. She untie her sneakers but in a very slow movement .    

"How long do you need to take those fucking shoes off you bitch?!"

Mr. Choi grabs her by the shoulders and pushed her to the bed. He slaps her with his back hand that made her lower lip bleed. With him sitting on her groin and both of her wirsts pinned on the bed, Jodi was defenseless.

"Did you really think you can fool me bitch? You'll be mine tonight. Don't worry, I'll destroy you harder than those Bangtan dorks did"

"Please let me go. I'm not a whore please" Jodi's sobbing means nothing to the devil in front of her.

"You're mine" he leans down to kiss her. Jodi moved her face avoiding him but was able to reached her neck. She felt his tongue brushes her skin that made her feel so disgusting.

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