Coffee Love <3

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It was a normal day to most everyone, but a spiky haired blonde. He was in an abysmal mood today and he could most certainly tell you why.

He decided that after his horrid day to just shake it off and go buy a coffee. His legs strutting along the sidewalk and stopping in front of a small cafe.

The cafe was more on the quaint, and aesthetic side and had the name 'Coffee Haven' draped in front.

He shrugged and decided 'why not', he was already there anyways. He went in and heard a bell chime indicating his arrival to the cafe.

The workers noticed him walk in and led him to a table meant for two. He sat down and looked around. 'It wasn't so bad after all' He thought to himself.

He browsed through the menu before calling over a waiter, so he could take his order. A green haired one came over ready to take his order.

'Damn, he's cute' the blonde thought to himself. He then snapped out of his thoughts and ordered for a mocha latte. The green haired boy jotted it down.

"Anything else?" He asked blushing a little. 'He's hot..' The greenette thought. The blonde contemplated for a bit before saying something.

"Hmm yes, one slice of chocolate cake and perhaps your number along with your name?" He said in a sultry voice making the greenette shiver at his tone.

The greenette's face immediately flushed, but he complied nonetheless. He told the blonde his name was izuku and he was told that the blonde's name was katsuki.

The greenette jotted down a chocolate cake on his note pad and jotted down his number on the next page. He ripped if off and handed it to him.

He went back to the kitchen and gave them the order. A few moments later, he was going back to katsuki and gave him his order.

The blonde thanked him, and then jotted down his own number on the other half of the note izuku gave him. He ripped it in half and gave it to him.

Katsuki then ate his meal in peace and asked for the check. The check was then handed to him by izuku, whom he had given a tip.

After that katsuki just went back home with the greenette still fresh on his mind, the same thing goes for izuku. His face was still obviously flushed, but he was still thankful for their fateful encounter nonetheless.

He wasn't in love per say, but he was definitely in the makings of being infatuated to the blonde. Besotted even.

For now however, it'll probably take a while to get to an even higher stage of infatuation so he'll just have the blonde constantly at the back of his mind.
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Word Count: 472

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