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Chapter 13
"The doctors."
M/R's pov

I carried Ed back to his room, sitting him down onto his bed. I sat next to him, talking to him about random things.

Not soon after, we received a knock on the door. "May I come in, brother?"

"Come in, Al, it's fine." Edward replied, hand over mine. I smiled at the gesture and leaned in towards him, my head slightly meeting his shoulder.

Alphonse walked in and seemed to stand still in shock at my presence, "You guys made up?"

I nodded. "He came running up to me in the cold and sat on the ground," I chucked.

Alphonse walked up to Edward and wagged a finger at him, "You know better than to do that brother! You're injured! Your wounds could reopen!" He lectured.

Edward rolled his eyes and righted his thumb around my hand, "This is the 3rd time I've been scolded today."

"Did you scold him too, M/R?" Alphonse asked, facing me. I nodded, "He sat on the ground how could I not?? The idiot would've gotten himself sick."

Edward groaned, "Show me respect; I'm older than you, L/N."

"Oh, I apologise, Elric, sir, but you're shorter than me. I find it difficult to do so." I snorted.

The concerned younger brother pats me on the head; I nuzzled my head into his hand. "You two started calling each other by last name? Was your fight really that bad?"

Edward and I looked at each other and proceeded to laugh, "Nah. We were just messing around." The blonde male said, smiling up at his brother.

I looked down and sighed, running a hand through my hair, "Hey, Alphonse. Want to know the reason why Ed and me had the fight in the first place?"

Ed's eyes widened, "You want to tell him?"

I shrugged, "Why not? He deserves to know the truth. Besides, it'll be our fight all over again assuming he somehow finds out by accident or if someone else but me tells him."

The alchemist nodded and proceeded to find a comfortable position to sit in. Alphonse looked towards me, bending down to meet my eyes, "Why did you and Ed fight?"

Slowly, I retraced my memory backwards to the fight, although it was a bit hazy because of my brain not working as well as it used to back then, the words and the actual argument was still very clear in my mind. My fingers began to fidget and I bit my lip, "Just. Don't freak out, okay?"

Alphonse nodded, clearly understanding that what I was about to tell him should be kept secret.

I took a deep breath and gestured myself to calm down, the situation nerve-wracking.

"I'm a homunculus."

The room stayed quiet for a while as we were waiting for Al to process the information.



"Are a..."


"Wait, hold on. Give me a second." He said, leaning against a wall, as if being overwhelmed by what I had just told him. "M/R. You're a homunculus?!"

I nodded, "Exactly what I just said. Although the whole transformation thing wasn't intentional, really."

"If what you're saying is true. Does that mean you know about the other homunculi that attacked Ed and I a while back?"

I cocked my head to the side, "You guys were attacked?"

Edward shook his head, "Nothing to worry about, we hadn't met you back then. But he's talking about Lust, Envy and Gluttony."

My finger snapped, "Oh! Those guys, yeah. I know of them."

"Are they your- uh, friends?"

I waved my hand in a sort of 'so-so' movement, "Sort of. They kind of took me in as family, and they did give me a name, but other than that, I take no part in their plans."

The two looked at me. Edward leaned in towards me and held my hand, turning it over to look at my palm. His eyes widened in shock, "Is that a transmutation circle?"

I looked at my palm, shrugging. "Not sure. That scar was always there. I have the same imprints of my left hand, as well. I think my foot has a similar scar, too."

Edward and I then made eye contact, realising that our faces were only inches apart from each other, resulting in our faces turning red. Hastily, we backed away from one another, embarrassed. Alphonse chuckled at the scene, and proceeded to think of another question to interrogate me.

Edward gasped, "Oh! You talked about your father in the Ishbalan war, right?"

I nodded, "What of it?"

"You mentioned he got killed due to attempting to save two doctors. Do you recall who the two doctors are?"

I shook my head, "Got no idea. All I remember was them having golden hair. I also saw a family photograph of them and one child. A little girl, if I remember correctly."

Alphonse then gasped, "Oh! I thought I recognised your last name from somewhere, M/R! You're General L/N's son!"

"Yeah, I am." A smiled formed onto my face, "I don't remember much of my dad, but I knew my mum loved him. He sent me reading material that he snuck out of the Central's library. I suppose that's stealing, huh?" I snickered, my eyes softening at the thought of my dad. Regrettably, I couldn't recollect what he looked like.

"If I remember correctly," Alphonse began, "Your father sacrificed himself to save the Rockbells. Due to shock, the Rockbells couldn't react quickly enough and stood there idle, only for them to get killed as well." He recounted, a hand places under the chin of his helmet.

"Your dad sacrificed himself...For my parents?" A gentle voice came from the door.

"Winry! I thought you were with Hughes." Edward said, smiling at her presence. However, Winry didn't seem to hear Ed as she continued looking at me, her eyebrows furrowed and her gaze sad.

"M/R. Is that true?"

I sighed and looked to the side, leaning back onto Ed's hospital bed, "Mm, appears so. I didn't know your parents were doctors, Winry."

She nodded, "Yeah. They were always called onto frontline. I never really saw them as a child."

"Guess we have something in common then, I never really saw my dad, either. My mum, on the other hand, now willingly avoids me."

Winry frowned, "I'm sorry. Your father wouldn't have died if it weren't for my parents."

I instantly sat up and shook my head, "You're blaming your parents?"

She quickly shook her head, "Of course not! I just couldn't find another way to word my sentence!"

"Then, just say 'Sorry for your loss'. And don't blame your parents, blame the Ishbalan who decided to attack your parents in the first place." I placed a soft smile on my face.

She stumbled towards me and winded her arms around my body. "I'm sorry for your loss."

Without hurrying, I hugged her back, nodding. "I'm sorry for your loss." I repeated back to her, patting her back and straightening her hair with my fingers.

We let go of each other and smiled gently. "Thank you." We both said at the same time.

I'd noticed there was a small tear running down her face and raised my hand to wipe it away. "And I genuinely thought I cried a lot." I chuckled, gently placing my hand back onto the bed.

Edward scoffed, "You both cry a lot. Really, all those tears could hydrate the whole of Amestria."

Winry and I glared at him. I then proceeded to swat him on the head, gaining a gasp from Alphonse.

"You can't do that M/R! What about his injuries?"

I shrugged, "What about them? He knew damned well he had that coming."

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