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This is just some mini thing I thought of for the last chapter. This is for readers with long hair! Just a little cute moment between you and Ed whilst in the hospital room!

Chapter 13.5
"Pass me a hair tie."

3rd pov

M/R sat next to Edward, watching as he touched his hair with his left arm. The (hair colour)-haired male cocked his head to the side, "What's wrong, Ed?"

Edward huffed, "I don't like it when my hair's down. Yeah, it makes me feel warm, but I just like it better when it's out of the way."

The other smiled and nodded, sympathising with the other, "I feel that way too sometimes. My hair always gets in the way. I have thought about cutting it, but I like it the way it is, you know?"

He placed a hand on Ed's shoulder, "So, you want it up?"

The Alchemist nodded, "I prefer it up. But my hands- well, one of them- would feel awkward tying it up, you know? Winry said not to use my left arm in a while until she checks up on it again later."

M/R smiled, clasping his hands together with the other's, "I'll tie it up for you! You like it in the usual braid, right?"

Edward sat there, chuckling, "Looking at the state of your hair, should I trust you with mine?"

The homunculus whined, "Ed! I just got it in a mess from sitting outside and leaning against the tree! It's your fault!"

Edward rolled his eyes, "My fault? You're the one who wanted to sit outside, it wasn't my choice. How was I supposed to know you were going to sulk out in the cold?"

"I'm sensitive." M/R mumbled, looking to the side.

Edward looked at the taller boy with sympathy, and placed his hand over the other's, "Hey, we're good now, though. Right?"

The 15-year-old smiled and nodded, "I hope."

"Of course, you do. And we are okay now. You're a friend, M/R, not an enemy."

"Just a friend, Edward?"

Edward nudged him with an eyebrow arched, "Alright, that's enough. You want to do my hair or no?"

M/R nodded vigorously, positioning Edward so that his back was to him. Gently, he took his hair into his hands combing through it with his fingers.

"Do you have a hair tie, little dwarf?"

Edward knocked his head back into M/R's jaw, causing M/R to hiss out in pain, "Ow, Ed!"

"Yeah, here." Edward sighed, taking the hair tie off of his wrist and handing it over to the male that sat behind him.

M/R rubbed his jaw and took the hair tie, slipping it onto his own wrist. Taking the comb from the chair next to the bed, he began to brush. "Tell me if I'm brushing to rough, okay?"

Ed hummed and leaned into M/R's warmth, causing the other to chuckle. "Ed, I can't do your hair if you do that."

Edward stopped and sat up straight, groaning, "Sorry. You're warm."

A tint of red spread onto M/R's cheeks. He rolled his eyes, "Mhm, okay."

Eventually getting all the tangles out of the blonde's hair, he began to braid it whilst humming out a small tune. "Your voice is nice." Edward pointed out.

M/R chuckled, clearly flustered, "Thanks, I don't get that a lot."

He finished braiding, tying the hair at the bottom to keep it in place, before lifting it up close to his face.

"You done yet?" Edward asked, getting restless from sitting in the same place for a while.

"Almost," The other smiled, planting a soft kiss onto his hair. "There, done."

Edward arched his eyebrow, "What did you do?" He questioned, suspicious. M/R shook his head, "Nothing, just saw a mini hair sticking out. I tucked it in, no worries."

Edward hummed and turned around to face M/R. "Your turn, turn around."

M/R looked at him questionably, "Hey, I thought you couldn't move your arm? Besides, I never asked for mine to be done."

"I can't bear to watch you walk out of this room with your hair in such a mess. And yeah, I can't move my arm, but so what? Have I ever listened to Winry?"

They both cackled, "I suppose that's fair. Alright." M/R sighed, turning around to face the wall.

"Oh, could you lean down, by the way?"

"Pfft, what? Am I too tall for you?"

"Say that again and you'll get another whack to that jaw of yours."

"Sorry, Sorry."

M/R leaned down onto Ed's chest, looking up at him to meet his eyes, "Hello."

Edward smirked, "Hey. Now hand over that comb!"

M/R took the comb from the side of the bed and gave it to the golden, hazel-eyed male, relaxing as he took his hair out of its usual messy pony-tail.

Edward began to brush slowly, mesmerised by the softness of the texture. Placing the brush down, he began to braid the sides, connecting them down to the middle as a ponytail. He leaned back to look at his work, proud.

"Done? That was quick."

Edward hummed, "I work efficiently, unlike someone here."

M/R sat up, this time Ed was the one who got hit on the jaw, "Agh!"

"Payback, midget."

"Midget?! Oh, oh you did not just say that."

"Oh, I think I just did." M/R smirked, looking back at Ed only to get hit in the face by a pillow. "You're going to pay for that, little Alchemist."

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