Ouch! He's just a coward who chose the easy way out. No arguments, no confrontations, no explanations... As in nothing at all. Truly, he's like a storm coming unannounced and left you ruined. Whatever his reasons are for vanishing, he should have been man enough to tell you that it's over. Too difficult to comprehend since the relationship was smooth sailing. Who would have thought that he would sail away and not send any signal that he's no longer coming back to your shore. You've done your part in reaching out. He obviously ignored you, so why keep on pushing? It's high time to set your sail away from the ocean you once sailed with him. The ruins he left will be restored and you'll be as good as new. Keep the faith, leave his memories in the past and live your life forward. Ug kay naghost naman siya dagkotig kandila apili ug pangadye nga mahiluna na iyang way puangod nga kalag ug dili na manakit ug lain.

Responses to Confessions
RandomThese are my thoughts and pieces of advice to the confessions I've read from UCFB