He is just a coward who chose the easiest way out and that's to disappear without a word. What's worse is that you get to see almost everyday...baga jud sya kaayog nawng acting like wala ray nahitabo and treating you like a stranger. Sender, whatever are your shortcomings madako man o magamay, still you deserved to know nga ni end na diay mo. But since this guy is not man enough to talk to you and tell you in your face or bisan sa chat nalang nga buwag namo... Ayaw nag laom. Let go of whatever little hope you have kay dili sya angayan huwaton. Move on with your life and show him that you can be happy without him in your life. Choose yourself and choose to be happy. No matter how you'd tell yourself nga lisod kaayo mo move on, but the truth is you can. You just have to be determined to do it.

Responses to Confessions
AcakThese are my thoughts and pieces of advice to the confessions I've read from UCFB