Sometimes, we get too irrational and allow ourselves to be swallowed by anger and pride. But, you can't be blamed for what happened sender... So don't be too hard on yourself. You just did what you thought was right for you kay he has been evading all your questions. There was no assurance. You opened up yourself to him and yet he kept himself locked in. He can't expect you to just be around and available knowing where you're coming from. So kung naa may mas labawng nagbasol, for sure siya to. He was just so caught up in his own pain that he didn't notice he's already hurting you. But anyways, nahitabo naman ang tanan sender... You just have to accept how fate played you. But don't wait for fate to bring him to you again. Obviously you still care, you confessing here is already your way of reaching out. Look for ways pa gyud to find him. Don't wait for things to happen.. Make it happen. Your happily ever after is long overdue already. God bless you!

Responses to Confessions
AléatoireThese are my thoughts and pieces of advice to the confessions I've read from UCFB