Chapter 4 - The Knight Bus

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It didn't take much to convince his father to let him go see Harry -- and the dreadful couple of muggles that were his family. But the real nut that needed to be cracked was letting him use the Polyjuice potion he had been cooking since he had acquired everything from Diagon Alley. That day when the two of them had needed some fresh air and relaxation from the shitty reality that was their everyday life.

But Y/N had told him he would be careful -- as much as he usually was under the circumstances of the wizarding world. And that he promised not to get into trouble with the muggles, and not break any rules.

Which was bound to happen at some point. But alas, Y/N told his father he would be on his best behaviour.

Though why he had insisted on using a polyjuice potion was beyond anyone's guess. Perhaps he just wanted to mess with them, set them straight. In order for Harry to have an easier time at home rather than being shrouded by misery and despair. Which, Y/N could only relate and offer his own sympathies.

But really, Y/N wanted to check on his friend. All more importantly, to ask him how he was doing. Besides Harry knowing of the Wolf's bane harboring in Y/N's soul, it genuinely had Y/N in a worried frenzy. That Harry knew more than he would've liked, and that he hadn't had any letters from him in the past months which really began to grate at him.

Y/N wondered if he was simply avoiding him so he didn't have to say anything. Which he wouldn't fault him for if he did. Because Y/N certainly thought about it once or twice. He felt it would be best to limit the amount of people who knew what was really hiding in that body of his. Simply because it was better than telling the truth, and seeing the harsh reality of what he was now, and what they would see him as.

And that's why he needed to see Harry (and maybe cool him down with a simple joke) to remind the boy that he was still him, and not some possessed wolf trying to howl and scrap at him.

Perhaps he was jumping the gun too much. Maybe Harry didn't see him any different because of it (though it was doubtful) and that maybe Y/N was just worrying for nothing. But there was no telling if he didn't go see him, and that's exactly what he was going to do.

Sucking in a deep breath, he climbed out of the back end of the truck that his father had used to drive there. He was currently just down the street, away from prying eyes. But not the prying eyes of his father, as they watched him nervously.

Y/N dropped to the pavement as his feet hit the ground (Having already used the polyjuice potion 45 minutes before) the height of Hagrid's body was simply too large for the vehicle itself. He could faintly hear his father sighing from the rear end as he made his way around to the side of the truck window. The heavy steps of Hagrid's weight made him ever think how Hagrid managed it.

Weighing his arm on the side of the window -- not enough to crush it -- Y/N lowered himself down so he was levelled with his father who was wearing a not so amused look compared to his son, who was practically grinning.

"Right, best be off then." His soft, yet deeper and more alluring voice was replaced by the rough and heavily northern borsch of Hagrid's. Still, he didn't mind it at all.

"This is a dumb idea... Why am I even letting this happen?" Y/N's father half muttered to himself as he shook his head, wringing his hands against the steering wheel.

"O' cours' you'd say that." Y/N rolled his eyes, rubbing at the majestic bushy beard that covered most of the area below his nose. "Besides, what'll 'appen? Shoot their bloody shotgun at me 'gain?" He scoffed, turning his body to his left along with his gaze to look at the house down the street. All while nearly knocking the vehicle over in the process.

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