Chapter 15 - Preparations In Order

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The car ride home was quiet, time and time again Daniel L/N tried to make small talk with his son. But alas, Y/N only shrugged or said one-liners. He was saddened, more angry but overall just hurt that his father had kept important information away from him, again.

When they arrived home, Y/N exited the pickup truck and slammed the door shut, trodding into the front yard of the farm house. The area was unkept but not messy. Certainly only acting as a household rather than an active farm, a small acre place.

Daniel followed behind him, eyeing his thirteen-year-old son with caution. Frowning at what was going on with him. Lupin's words rung in his head, of course he was going to tell him. But was it too late? Dumbledore's had told him (to an extent) what had happened down in the chamber. (Though nothing about how Y/N made his first transformation into what would be his new normal)

They headed inside, Y/N went into the kitchen while his father hung up his coat in the hallway of his front door. Then He walked into find his son leant forward against the kitchen counter, staring out into the backyard.

"You knew... didn't you?" Y/N began, his gaze looking through the window, not daring to look him in the eyes. "That's why you didn't tell me anything about her, about me..."

For a second, Daniel didn't know what to say. He knew he was referring to his mother, and to an extent, his grandmother Elizabeth.

Daniel sighed, moving forward and sitting down at the kitchen table, slumping into a chair "I just didn't want you to be ashamed..."

Finally Y/N averted his eyes towards him, them glowing bright with anger. "Ashamed of what? Of her?" He questioned, teeth gritted hard. "I wouldn't of cared, that she was related to him. I already have a mass murderer for an uncle so why not a dark lord for a great-uncle."

"Y/N." Daniel huffed. "You have to understand, I was going to tell you. I just didn't know how." The man excused, wincing as Y/N stared daggers at him.

"That's not good enough." Y/N whispered, averting his eyes away from him, ashamed to even look at him. "You were supposed to be honest with me, you said at the beginning of the year that you would."

"How was I to know that you'd find out so soon?" Daniel said with a frown on his face, crossing his arms. "I can't ever imagine a conversation where this would've gone a better way."

"No." Y/N agreed. "But I still deserved the truth." He walked over and sat down at the table, grabbing a nearby chair for himself, and sat down. He laid his hands out on the table and looked at them, before asking. "What did Dumbledore tell you?"

"Bits and pieces." Daniel L/N said, eyeing his son. The look in his face was one of a uncomfortably ache. "Why? What else happened?"

'What? You mean beside turning into a supernatural wolf that wants to eat people's faces off?' Fenrir said, though Daniel hadn't heard it. No, Fenrir wouldn't reveal himself to anyone, well at least for now.

'Shut up!'

"What?" Daniel questioned him, his frown only deepening. Crap. Y/N had said that last part out loud.

"Not you." Y/N huffed. "This freaking thing." He grabbed at the back of his neck, he subconsciously did that whenever Fenrir talked.

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