Chapter 7 - Emotions, Suspicions And A Dead Party

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After the pitiful display that was seen outside just moments ago, Hermione rushed into the halls of Hogwarts to find Y/N.

She only knew one place that he'd go to in this situation, a place of calm and warmth. The Gryffindor common rooms.

It was the place that Y/N stayed in the most, apart from the library or great hall. He felt warm there, safe. A place for him to reside and protect him from whatever dark memories or nightmares troubled him inside. But today was a very different reason.

He felt terrible, like a part of his heart had been ripped out. He felt lost and quite frankly... afraid but he would never admit that. His grandfather meant a lot to him, far more than anyone in the world.

The man practically raised him more than his own father which is why it hurt so much, it was like losing a father in his own way. Truth was,
Y/N didn't know what to do, his mind wandered, searching for anything of
resolution to his living nightmare that he couldn't awake from...

Hermione practically ran all the way there without stopping once, shoving past students and almost tumbling into Hagrid, his giant form blocking access. Though, she finally made it to the common rooms and what she saw both warmed her heart and broke it into pieces.

Y/N had his guitar in his hands, they were trembling from the touch. His eyes tightened shut, stopping any tears from falling.

Hermione stood leaning against the door frame as she watched her friend prepare what she guessed would be a song.

You must've a been in a
Place so dark, couldn't feel the light
Reachin' for you through
That stormy cloud
Now here we are
Gathered in our little hometown
This can't be the way
You meant to draw a crowd

That voice, it was beautiful to her. It sounded sweet like honey and glimmering like an
angel sent from the heavens. Hermione would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy his golden voice, it appealed her, more than she could ever express in words.

Oh why, that's what I keep askin'
Was there anything I could have
Said or done
Oh I, had no clue you were
A troubled soul, God only knows
What went wrong, and why
You'd leave the stage
In the middle of a song...

Hermione could see the emotions on his face, how his lips would tug into a small smile, the way his cheeks flustered. He was holding back tears, that much she knew.

Y/N was a strong individual, the strongest she's ever met but if she truly knew what was dormant in both his mind and heart then it would probably sadden her to the core.

Now in my mind I keep you frozen
As a seventeen-year-old
Roundin' third to score
That winning run
You always played with passion
No matter what the game
When you took the stage
You shined just like the sun

Oh why, that's what I keep askin'
Was there anything I could have
Said or done
Oh I, had no clue you were
A troubled soul, God only knows
What went wrong, and why
You'd leave the stage
In the middle of a song

True enough though, Y/N wanted to break down, he wanted to cry to the world but if he did start crying then he would never stop. The tears would never cease to flow, only if somebody else could hamper them, slow them down so that then he would have the power himself to do such.

Now the oak trees are swayin'
In the early autumn breeze
A golden sun is shining on my face
Through tangled thoughts
I hear a mockingbird sing
This old world really ain't that
Bad of a place

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