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"I saw you had to be precepted by Cameron."

Dr. Hale walks beside me in the hallway as we return from making rounds. We both look at each other as she waits for a response.

"Uhh...yeah, I did," I stutter.

"I'm sorry."

I shrug. "He wasn't bad." She nods and is silent. "You don't like Cameron?" I hedge, though I'm already aware that she doesn't. Or at least I don't think she does. I just have a sneaky inclination to try and discover some more information about them.

She stops and turns towards me. "Why wouldn't I like Cameron?" Her tone is accusatory.

"I was just wondering..."

"I like Cameron just fine, April. I don't know what he's said about me, but I wouldn't believe everything you hear."

"He hasn't said anything about you," I quickly lie, but she's unconvinced. She pauses and peers at me a moment.

"Yeah, I'm sure he hasn't," she finally says, and she turns and walks away, leaving me standing alone and slightly confused in the hallway.

* * *

There's a small room in the back of the nurse's station where I sometimes go to catch up on charting. It has a computer so that I can check orders and it's quiet, with no ringing phone or constantly buzzing call-light. It's peaceful and offers a reprieve on an otherwise crazy day.

I'm here now, writing furiously so that I can get out on time tonight. It seems as though getting off work on time has been a rarity lately.

The door opens but I don't look up. I assume it's a coworker coming to wash their hands in the sink that's behind me.

"Oh! Hey...I didn't realize you were here today."

My head snaps up and I quickly turn to find the gorgeous bright green eyes I've come to love. They're accompanied by a half-smile, and he holds the door open while his other hand clutches a chart.

I smile at him, and it's not forced or fake the way it is with other people. "Hey Harry."

"You care if I join you for a minute? I just need to dictate a discharge summary real quick."

"Sure." I slide my chair over to make room and he pulls out the other seat beside me. He smiles at me again before flipping open the chart, and I can already feel my heart beat racing. This feeling I get around him is maddening.

"I haven't seen you in a few days," he notes, and I find myself strangely happy that he's even noticed my absence.

"Yeah...I've been off," I casually reply.

"Do anything special?"

"Nah. I got everything unpacked, finally." This is true. Aside from the one lunch I had with Zoey, I mostly spent my time unpacking and lazing around. I went shopping for new table lamps once but came home empty handed.

"Well, that's something," he says. He picks up the phone, but then he puts it down again and turns to me. "Been thinking about our date much?" He cocks a suggestive eyebrow and I sigh.

"It's not a date, Harry."

"Then what would you like to call it?" he asks, clearly amused.

"We don't have to call it anything."

He's got that damn knowing smirk again. "Mmm hmm." He picks up the phone and begins dialing, but I quickly press my finger against the hang up button.

"Do you enjoy torturing me?" I ask him.

He can barely hide his grin. "I do, actually."

"Well I don't enjoy it. And you're not as irresistible as you seem to think you are." I'll be surprised if that sounds even halfway believable. Harry is undeterred, his eyes flicking back to mine.

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