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IT'S rare that I'm genuinely surprised anymore. With everything that regularly happens at my job, and with all the recent surprises of my personal life, I've come to the conclusion that anything is possible. Expect the unexpected and all that.

And even though Zoey is accusing Dr. Ellis, the one person I originally suspected all along, it's still a shock to hear, to have someone you know and trust allege this person with such robust confidence.

Maybe this is how Harry felt. Or maybe he felt more, or worse, since he actually knows the culprit.

"Wait… so she confessed?" I quickly ask Zoey. I'm trying to wrap my head around exactly what happened. I want to know how she reached this conclusion.

"Well… no," she carefully replies.

"Then how do you know?"

"I saw her with the pills."

"What? You saw the pills? Why didn't you tell someone?"

"Because I couldn't prove it," she explains, somewhat defensively. "They were all in a prescription bottle without a label. But I know what I saw. She bent over and the bottle fell out of her pocket and rolled across the hallway. I tried to grab it for her, but she snatched it up so fast I thought she was going to tear my hand off."

"Yeah, that doesn't prove anything," I agree, mildly exasperated. It's weak evidence, as far as I'm concerned.

"Yes it does. I saw the pills. They were small and round and looked exactly like MS Contin."

"You can't know for sure."

"When I asked her, she got all flustered and wouldn't give me a straight answer. Finally said they were Vitamin C. Right. Why would anyone carry around Vitamin C in a prescription bottle with no label?"

"How should I know? Maybe her vitamin bottle was huge and she needed a smaller container to bring some to work."

"Yeah. Or maybe she's a pill popper."



"God, please tell me you haven't done anything stupid. You didn't accuse her, right?"

"Do I look like an idiot? Hell no, that's a huge allegation. We have to go to administration. And you should talk to Harry."

"No. No way I'm bringing this up again. Not without a written and signed confession."

"Well when are you coming home? I say we talk to Kate. Surely they can drug test her or something. Oh, and did you hear they admitted Dr. Styles to our floor?" she asks, her ADD making a sudden appearance. "Cameron admitted him and Dr. Styles pissed him off within like…ten minutes of being here. It was hilarious."

I hear Leah's voice down the hall and suddenly remember my original task. Scooping up the first clothes I can find from Harry's bag, I make a beeline down the hallway and close myself in my dad's room.

"Yeah, that sounds funny. We might come home tomorrow. Look, Zoey, I gotta go. I'll call you later."

"Okay. I'll keep my eyes peeled for anymore suspicious activity."

"You do that."

I end the call right before entering the bathroom. Harry looks slightly startled to see the door come flying open, but he immediately relaxes when he's sees it's only me. There's a towel wrapped around his waist and the air in the small room is thick with steam. He looks unoccupied, like he's just been waiting around.

"I thought you abandoned me," he half-whines, taking the garments from my hand. "You even took my old clothes."

I push the thoughts of the phone conversation from my mind, determined to keep it to myself for now. "Scared Leah was gonna get ya?" I tease, wiggling my eyebrows maliciously. Harry gives me a dirty look.

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